
Visitors 2014- Robert E. Hartwig, North Carolina State University, USA, 3rd to 14th July
- C. R. Johnson, USA, 8th to 16th August
- Antonio Carlos Marquez-Garcia, Universidade de Almeria, Espanha, 2nd September - 2nd December
- Ralph Matthes, CNRS e Universidade de Toulouse III, França, 25th October - 1st November
- Melanija Mitrovic, Univ. Nis, Sérvia, 18th to 28th November
- Tarmo Uustalu, Institute of Cybernetics e Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, 22nd January – 1st February
- ZhongYun Liu, Changsha University of Science & Technology, R. P. China, 1st-15th December