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Current projects

Derivation of macroscopic PDEs from kinetic theory (mesoscopic scale) and from interacting particle systems (microscopic scale) [2017-2019]
Bilateral Pessoa project. Principal Researcher: Patrícia Gonçalves (IST).  Principal Researcher at University of Minho: Ana Jacinta Soares. Other  group member involved: Benjamin Anwasia

NEUROFIELD - Analysis and numerical simulation of deterministic and stochastic neural field equations with applications to robotics [2018-2021]
Funded by FCT, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031393. Principal Researcher: Pedro Lima (IST). Principal Researcher at University of Minho: Wolfram Erlhagen.

New trends in Lyapunov exponents [2018-2021]
Funded by FCT, PTDC/MAT-PUR/29126/2017. Principal Researcher: Pedro Duarte (UL). CMAT responsible: M. Joana Torres.

Aproximações multi-escala para moldação por injeção de materiais plásticos [2016-2019]
Funded by FCT, PTDC/EMSENE/ 3362/2014-POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016665. Principal Researcher: Alexandre Prior Afonso (UP). Group member involved: Luís Ferrás.

To Chair - Os desafios ótimos na irrigação [2018-2021]
Funded by FCT, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028247). Principal Researcher: Sofia Lopes (UM).  Group members involved: M. Teresa Malheiro, Paulo Pereira.

Past projects

Additive functionals of particle systems
CNPq Project 480431/2013-2. Principal researcher: Patrícia Gonçalves (CMAT, University of Minho). Group member involved: Patrícia Gonçalves

Creative Little Scientists
FP7project - Science in Society 2011-1/SiS.2011.2.2.3.-CP -2011201120112011-289081. Principal researcher at University of Minho: Manuel Filipe Pereira Cunha Martins Costa.  Group members involved: M. Teresa Malheiro, Paulo A. Pereira.

NESP: Non-equilibrium statistical physics
Projeto FCT, PTDC/MAT/ 109844/2009. Principal researcher: Patrícia Gonçalves (CMAT, University of Minho). Group members involved: Patrícia Gonçalves e Mahendra Panthee.

Networking Primary Science Educators as a means to provide training and professional development in Inquiry Based Teaching (PriSciNet)
Projeto FP7-FP7-SCIENCE-IN- SOCIETY-2010-1 [SiS-2010-], CSA-GA-266647 PriSciNet. Principal researcher at University of Minho: Manuel Filipe Pereira Cunha Martins Costa. Group members involved: M. Teresa Malheiro e Paulo A. Pereira.

Neural Engineering Transformative Technologies
Projeto EU-FP7 ITN n 289146. Principal researcher: Wolfram Erlhagen (CMAT, University of Minho). Group members involved: Flora Ferreira e Wolfram Erlhagen.

New numerical schemes for extrem geophysical phenomena
Projeto FCT - ANR/MAT - NAN /0122/2012. Principal researcher: Stéphane Clain (CMAT, University of Minho). Group members involved: Carolina Ribeiro, Jorge Figueiredo e Stéphane Clain.

Numerical simulations of three-dimensional polymer flows and applications to plastic forming
Projeto FCT - PTDC/MAT/121185/2010. Principal researcher: Stéphane Clain (CMAT, University of Minho). Group members involved: Gaspar J. Machado, Rui Pereira, Rui Ralha e Stéphane Clain.

Optimal Control: Health, Energy and Robotics Applications
Projeto FCT - PTDC/EEI - AUT/1450/2012. Principal researcher: Margarida Ferreira (Institute of Robotics and Systems, Department of Eletronic Eng. and Computers, Univ. Porto). Group member involved: Sofia Lopes.

Toeplitz Operators and Riemann-Hilbert Problems: at the Crossroad of Operator Theory and Complex Analysis
Projeto FCT PTDC/MAT/121837/2010. Principal researcher: Cristina Câmara (CAMGSD, IST, University of Lisbon). Group member involved: M. Teresa Malheiro.

Projeto FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IIF, n 301155. Principal researcher: Alfredo Pereira (Algoritmi Center, University of Minho). Group member involved: Wolfram Erlhagen.

VAPS- Variational approach to Plastic Surgery
Projeto EXPL/MAT-NAN/0606/2013. Principal researcher: Graça Carita (University of Évora). Group members involved: Gaspar J. Machado, Rui Pereira e Stéphane Clain.

FCT project PTDC/MAT/111809/2009. Principal researcher: G. Smirnov (CFUM). Group member involved: M. Isabel Caiado.

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