
Ph.D. theses concluded in 2009- Ana Cristina Ferreira (CMAT)
Generalized Geometry and the Index Theorem Supervisor: Nigel Hitchin (Universidade de Oxford) Institution that awarded the degree: University of Oxford - Carolina Ribeiro (CMAT)
Asymptotic derivation of models for anisotropic piezoelectric beams and shallow arches Supervisors: Juan Viaño Rey (Univ. Santiago de Compostela), Jorge Figueiredo (Univ. Minho) Institution that awarded the degree: University of Minho - Fabian Chersi
Learning through imitation: a biological approach to robotics Supervisors: Wolfram Erlhagen (CMAT, UMinho), Estela Bicho (DEI, UMinho) Institution that awarded the degree: University of Minho - Maria Rosário Fernandes (CMAT)
Equações integrais de núcleo fracamente singular e aplicações a fenómenos de transporte radiativo Supervisors: Filomena Dias d'Almeida (University of Oporto) e Mario Ahues (University Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne) Institution that awarded the degree: University of Oporto - Paulo Pereira (CMAT)
A decision support system to plan the best assignment of the weekly self- promotion space for a TV station Supervisor: Fernando Fontes (University of Oporto) Institution that awarded the degree: University of Minho - Sofia Oliveira Lopes (CMAT)
Nondegenerate forms of the Maximum Principle for Optimal Control Problems with State Constraints Supervisors: Fernando Fontes (CMAT, UMinho), Maria Rosário de Pinho (Univ. Oporto) Institution that awarded the degree: University of Minho