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Publications 2015

Papers published in peer review journal
  1. Alho, A., Calogero, S., Machado Ramos, M.P., Soares, A.J., “Dynamics of Robertson–Walker spacetimes with diffusion”, Annals of Physics, 354 (2015), 475-488
  2. Almeida, R.,Teixeira, A., "On the convergence of a predictor-corrector variant algorithm", TOP 23, 2 (2015), 401 - 418
  3. Alves, A.C., Sousa, R.M., Fernandes, S., Cardoso E., Carvalho M.A., Figueiredo, J., Pereira, R.M.S., “Teacher's experiences in PBL: implications for practice”, European Journal of Engineering Education (2015)
  4. Azevedo, A., Santos, L., “A two obstacles coupled problem”, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications 120 (2015), 107–117
  5. Bernardin, C., Gonçalves, P., Jara, M., Sasada, M., Simon, M., "From normal diffusion to superdiffusion of energy in the evanescent flip noise limit", Journal of Statistical Physics, 159 no. 6, 1327-1368
  6. Bessa, M., Torres, M.J., "The C0 general density theorem for geodesic flows", Comptes Rendus Mathematique. Académie des Sciences Paris, 353 (6) (2015), 545-549
  7. Borges, J., Rodrigues, M.S., Kubart, T., Kumar, S., Leifer, K., Evaristo, M., Cavaleiro, A., Apreutesei, M., Pereira, R.M.S., Vasilevskiy, M. I., Polcar, T., Vaz, F., “Thin films composed of gold nanoparticles dispersed in a dielectric matrix: The influence of the host matrix on the optical and mechanical responses”, Thin Solid Films vol 506 (2015) 8-17
  8. Cardoso, J.L., Petronilho, J., "Variations around Jackson's quantum operator", Methods and Applications of Analysis, 22(4) (2015), 343-358
  9. Cosentino, S., Flaminio, L., "Equidistribution for higher-rank Abelian actions on Heisenberg nilmanifolds", Journal of Modern Dynamics 9 (2015), 305-353
  10. Costa, C.A., da Silva, J.M., Monteiro, A., Filipe, A.I., “The role of automatic shape and position recognition in streamlining manufacturing”, International Journal for Quality Research 9(1) (2015) 51–64
  11. Costa, R., Clain, S., Machado, G.J., “Sixth-order finite volume method for the 1D biharmonic operator: application to the intramedullary nail simulation”, Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci., Vol. 25, No. 3 (2015), 529-537
  12. De Almeida, R., Kraußhar, R.S., "Basics on growth orders of polymonogenic functions", Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 60, 11 (2015), 1480 - 1504
  13. Duarte, P., Torres, M.J., "Eigenvectors of isospectral graph transformations", Linear Algebra and its Applications, 474 (1) (2015), 110-123
  14. Duarte, P., Torres, M.J., “r-Regularity”, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 51 (3) (2015), 451-464
  15. Esteves, S., Oliveira, José J., “Global asymptotic stability of nonautonomous Cohen-Grossberg neural network models with infinite delays”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 265 (2015), 333-346
  16. Faria, C., Erlhagen, W., Rito, M., de Momi, E., Ferrigno, G., & Bicho, E., “Review of robotic technology for stereotactic neurosurgery”, IEEE Reviews on Biomedical Engineering 8 (2015) 125-137
  17. Ferrás, L.L., Ford, N.J., Morgado, M.L., Nóbrega, J.M., Rebelo, M.S., "Fractional Pennes’ Bioheat Equation: Theoretical and Numerical Studies", Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 18, 4 (2015), 1080 - 1106
  18. Figueiredo, J., Silva, A., Cerqueira, J.J., Fonseca, J. and Pereira, P., “MS prevalence and patients’ characteristics in the district of Braga, Portugal”, Neurology Research International, Volume 2015 (2015)
  19. Ford, N.J., Morgado, M.L., Rebelo, M., "A nonpolynomial collocation method for fractional terminal value problems", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 275 (2015), 392-402
  20. Ford, N.J., Morgado, M.L., Rebelo, M., "An implicit finite difference approximation for the solution of the diffusion equation with distributed order in time", Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 44 (2015), 289-305
  21. Franco, T., Gonçalves, P., Neumann, A., "Phase transition of a Heat equation with Robin's boundary conditions and exclusion process", Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 367 no. 9, 6131-6158
  22. Gonçalves, P., Jara, M., “The Einstein relation for the KPZ equation”, Journal of Statistical Physics, 158 no. 6 (2015) 1262-1270
  23. Gonçalves, P., Jara, M., Sethuraman, S., "A stochastic Burgers equation from a class of microscopic interactions", Annals of Probability, 43 no. 1 (2015) 286-338
  24. Lemos, A., Abraão, A.S., Cruz, B.R., Morgado, M.L., Rebelo, M., Nunes, F.M., "Effect of granular characteristics on the viscoelastic and mechanical properties of native chestnut starch (Castanea sativa Mill)", Food Hydrocolloids, 51 (2015), 305-317
  25. Marques Jr., W., Soares, A.J., Pandolfi Bianchi, M., Kremer, G., “Equilibrium and stability properties of detonation waves in the hydrodynamic limit of a kinetic model”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 48 (2015), 235501, 1-27
  26. Mesquita, T.A., Macedo, A., "Chebyshev polynomials via quadratic and cubic decompositions of the canonical sequence", Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 26(12) (2015), 956-970
  27. Morgado, L.F., Morgado, M.L., "Numerical modelling transient current in the time-of-flight experiment with time-fractional advection-diffusion equations", Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 53, 3 (2015), 958 -973
  28. Morgado, M.L., Rebelo M., "Numerical approximation of distributed order nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 275 (2015), 216-227
  29. Pereira, R.M.S, Borges, J., Peres, F., Pereira, P., Smirnov, G., Vaz, F., Cavaleiro, A., Vasilevskiy, M., “Effect of clustering on the surface plasmon band in thin films of metalic nanoparticles”, Journal of Nanophotonics, 9 (1), 093796 (2015)
  30. Rochette, C., Clain, S., Bussière, W., Gonnet, J.P., “Numerical study of filter impact located in the exhaust duct of a low-voltage circuit breaker”, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol 5, No 1 (2015) 49--56
  31. Rodrigues, J.F., Santos, L., “Solutions for linear conservation laws with gradient constraint”, Portugaliae Mathematica Vol. 72, Fasc. 2-3, (2015) 161–192
  32. Silva, E. C., Costa, M. F., Araújo, J. P., Machado, D., Louro, L., Erlhagen, W. & Bicho, E. (2015), “Towards human-like bimanual movements in anthropomorphic robots: a nonlinear optimization approach”, Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. 9, No. 2, (2015) 619-629
  33. Sousa, E., Erlhagen, W., Ferreira, F., & Bicho, E., “Off-line simulation inspires insight: a neurodynamics approach to efficient robot task learning”, Neural Networks 72 (2015) 123-139
  34. Sun, S., Morgado, L., lzabut, J., Stamova, I., "Recent Developments and Applications on Qualitative Theory of Fractional Equations and Related Topics", Abstract and Applied Analysis (2015), 1-2
  35. Viaño, J.M., Figueiredo, J., Ribeiro, C., Rodríguez-Arós, Á., “A model for bending and stretching of piezoelectric rods obtained by asymptotic analysis”, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., Volume 66, Issue 3 (2015) 1207-1232
  1. Gonçalves, P.,  Soares, A.J. (eds.), From particle systems to partial differential equations II, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Volume 129, 2015
Papers published in proceedings of international conferences and book chapters
  1. Cação, I., Falcão, M.I., Malonek, H.R., “Recurrence relations for systems of Clifford algebra-valued orthogonal polynomials”, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE2015, J. Vigo-Aguiar et al. (ed.), 275-280 (pp.), 6-10 July, Rota, Cadiz, Spain, 2015
  2. Carvalho, F., Polewczak, J., Soares, A.J., “Kinetic theory of simple reacting spheres: an application to coloring processes”, From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations II, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 129 (2015), eds. Gonçalves, P., Soares, A.J., pp. 153-172
  3. Carvalho, F., Silva, A.W., Soares, A.J., “Detonation wave solutions and linear stability in a four component gas with bimolecular chemical reaction'', International Conference and Advanced School Planet Earth, Portugal, 21 a 28 de março de 2013, CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences, vol. 2 (2015), eds. Bourguignon, J.P., Jeltsch, R., Pinto, A.A., Viana, M., pp.61-82
  4. Clain, S., Figueiredo, J., Loubère, R., Diot, S., “An overview on the Multidimensional Optimal Order Detection method”, 2nd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation - SYMCOMP 2015@ECCOMAS, Faro, Portugal, 26-27 March (2015), 69-87
  5. Clain, S., Diot, S., Loubère, R., Machado, G.J., “6th- order finite volume approximation for the steady-state and Euler equations: the mood approach”, 2nd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation - SYMCOMP 2015@ECCOMAS, Faro, Portugal, 26-27 March (2015), 347-363
  6. Clain, S., Rodrigues, J., “Numerical simulation of electrical problems in a vacuum disjuntor”, 2nd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation - SYMCOMP 2015@ECCOMAS, Faro, Portugal, 26-27 March (2015) 485-501
  7. Costa e Silva, E., Costa, M. F., Erlhagen, W., & Bicho, E., “Global vs. local nonlinear optimization techniques for human-like movement of an anthropomorphic robot”, In T. E. Simos & C. Tsitouras (Eds.), International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2014, AIP Conf. Proc. 1648, 140004
  8. Costa, R., Clain, S., Machado, G.J., “6th-order finite volume approximations for the stokes equations with a curved boundary”, 2nd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation - SYMCOMP 2015@ECCOMAS, Faro, Portugal, 26 a 27 de Março de 2015, 365-382
  9. Duarte, P., Torres, M.J., "Stability of non-deterministic systems", From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations II, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Volume 129 (2015), ed. A. J. Soares, P. Gonçalves, 193-207
  10. Ferrás, L.L., Ford, N.J.,Morgado, M.L., Nóbrega,J.M., Rebelo,M., "Fractional bioheat equation", Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE 2015, Cadiz, Spain, July, 6-10 , (2015) Vol IV 850-858
  11. Figueiredo, J., Clain, S., “Second-order finite volume MOOD method for the shallow water with dry/wet interface”, 2nd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation - SYMCOMP 2015@ECCOMAS, Faro, Portugal, 26-27 March (2015), 191-205
  12. Gonçalves, P., "Derivation of the Stochastic Burgers Equation from the WASEP", From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations II, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Volume 129 (2015), ed. A. J. Soares, P. Gonçalves, 209-229
  13. Gulletta, G., Araujo, S. M., Costa E Silva, E., Costa, M. F., Erlhagen, W., & Bicho, E.; “Nonlinear optimization for human-like synchronous movements of a dual arm-hand robotic system”, In T. E. Simos & C. Tsitouras (Eds.), International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2014, AIP Conf. Proc. 1648, 140007
  14. Kraußhar, R. S, De Almeida, R., "Fundamentals of a Wiman Valiron theory for polymonogenic functions", Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering - IKM 2015, K. Gurlebeck and T. Lahmer (eds.), Weimar, Germany, July 20-22, (2015), 123-128
  15. Lopes, A., Carvalho e Silva, J., “Las Reformas de las Universidades Ibéricas en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII”, XII Congresso SEHCYT, Madrid (2015), 115-122
  16. Lopes, S.O., Fontes, F.A.C.C., Pereira, R.M.S., De Pinho, M.D.R., Ribeiro, C.,“Optimal control for an irrigation planning problem: Characterisation of solution and validation of the numerical results”, CONTROLO’2014 - Proc. of the 11th Port. Conf. on Autom. Control, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 321 LNEE, (2015) 157-167
  17. Machado, G.J., Clain, S., Loubère, R., Diot, S., “6th- order finite volume approximation for the steady-state Burger and Euler equations: the mood approach”, 2nd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation - SYMCOMP 2015@ECCOMAS, Faro, Portugal, 26 a 27 de Março de 2015, 347-363
  18. Morgado, M.L., Ferrás, L.L., Rebelo, M., "Comparison of different numerical methods for the solution of the time-fractional reaction-diffusion equation with variable diffusion coefficient", Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE 2015, Cadiz, Spain, July, 6-10 , (2015) Vol IV 503-507
  19. Ralha, M. E., “José Anastácio da Cunha e o projeto MAT²: no trilho de uma história extraordinária”, XII Congreso SEHCYT, Madrid, (2015), 49-62
  20. Ralha, M. E., Duarte, A. L., Figueiredo, F., “José Anastácio da Cunha e a criação da Casa Pia de Lisboa”, XII Congreso SEHCYT, Madrid, (2015),187-194
  21. Ralha, M. E., Estrada, M. F., Mota, C. “Engenheiros Portugueses do século XVIII: as suas geometrias especulativas”, XII Congreso SEHCYT, Madrid, (2015),163-170
  22. Ramos, M.P., Soares, A.J., “Dynamical Properties of a Cosmological Model with Diffusion”, From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations II, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 129 (2015), eds. Gonçalves, P., Soares, A.J., 313-333
  23. Teixeira, A., Almeida, R., “ Mathematics/Operations Research and Temperature on Cancer: A First Overview.”, Operations Research and Big Data , IO2015-XVII Congress of Portuguese Association of Operational Research (APDIO), Springer International Publishing 15, (2015), 229 - 236
  24. Wojtak, W., Ferreira, F., Erlhagen, W., Bicho, E., "Learning Joint Representations for Order and Timing of Perceptual-Motor Sequences: a Dynamic Neural Field Approach", 2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IEEE. Killarney, Ireland, July 12-17, 2015. Proceedings of 2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Network (IJCNN 2015), 1-17
Other publications
  1. Araújo, I., Brito, I., Machado, G.J., Pereira, R.M.S., Almeida, J.J., Smirnov, G., “New algorithms for smart assessment of math exercises”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, 1 a 3 de abril de 2015, atas organizadas por Rocha A., Rocha A., Correia A.M., Costanzo S., Reis L.P., Springer Verlag, 1221-1230
  2. Dominguez, C., Nascimento, M., Payan-Carreira, R., Cruz, G., Silva, H., Lopes, J., Morais, F., Morais, E., "Adding value to the learning process by online peer review activities: Towards the elaboration of a methodology to promote critical thinking in future engineers", European Journal of Engineering Education, 40(5) (2015), 573-591
  3. Moreira, F., Fernandes, S., Malheiro, M.T., Ferreira, C., Costa, N., Rodrigues, C.S., “Assessing student individual performance within PBL teams: findings from the implementation of a new mechanism”, In “Global Research Community: Collaboration and Developments” - Proceedings of the 5th International Research Symposium on Problem Based Learning (IRSPBL2015), part of the International Joint Conference on the Learner in Engineering Education (IJCLEE’2015), Mondragon University, Donostia - San Sebastian, Spain, 6-9 of July 2015, Erik de Graaff, Aida Guerra, Anette Kolmos, Nestor A. Arexolaleiba (eds.), Aalborg University Press, Denmark, pp. 35-47
  4. Dominguez, C., Payan, R., Cruz, G., Nascimento, M., Silva, H., Morais, E., Morais, F., Lopes, J., "Pensamento Crítico em Rede no Ensino Superior: Reflexões de um Projeto de Partilha e Divulgação de Experiências em Inovação Didática da UTAD" in Experiências de Inovação Didática no Ensino Superior, pp.149-164, CNAPPES - Congresso Nacional de Práticas Pedagógicas no Ensino Superior,3 de julho de 2015, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria.

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