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Publications 2015

Papers published in peer review journals
  1. Alves da Silva, M.L., Costa-Pinto, A.R., Martins, A., Correlo, V. M., Sol, P., Bhattacharya, M., Faria, S., Reis, R.L., Neves, N.M., “Conditioned medium as a strategy for human stem cells chondrogenic differentiation’’, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 9(6) (2015), 714-723.
  2. Bidegain, G., Guinda, X., Sestelo, M., Roca-Pardiñas, J., Puente, A., Juanes, J.A., “Assessing the suitability of the minimum capture size and protection regimes in the gooseneck barnacle shellfishery”, Ocean and Coastal Management, 104 (2015), 150-158.
  3. Borges, A., Sousa, I., Castro, L., “Longitudinal Analysis of Tumor Marker CEA of Breast Cancer patients from Braga's Hospital”, REVSTAT, 13(1) (2015), 63-78.
  4. Canha-Gouveia, A., Costa-Pinto, A.R., Martins, A., Silva, N. A., Faria, S., Sousa, R.A., Sousa, N. , Reis, R.L., Neves, N.M., "Hierarchical scaffolds enhance osteogenic differentiation of human Wharton's Jelly derived Stem Cells", Biofabrication, 7(3) (2015), 13 pages.
  5. Costa e Silva, E., Costa, M.F., Araujo, J.P., Machado, D., Louro, L., Erlhagen, W., Bicho, E., "Towards human-like bimanual actions in anthropomorphic robots: a non-linear optimization approach", Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 9(2) (2015), 619-629.
  6. de Uña-Álvarez, J., Meira-Machado, L., “Nonparametric estimation of transition probabilities in the non-Markov illness-death model: A comparative study”, Biometrics, 71(2) (2015), 364-375.
  7. Diggle, P.J., Sousa, I., Asar, O., “Real-time monitoring of progression towards renal failure in primary care patients”, Biostatistics, 16(3) (2015), 522–536.
  8. Ferreira, H., Ferreira, M., “Extremes of scale mixtures of multivariate time series”, JMVA, 137 (2015), 82-99.
  9. Ferreira, M., “Estimating the tail index: Another algorithmic method”, ProbStat Forum, 8 (2015), 45-53.
  10. Ghosh, A., Serra, M.C., Haccou, P., "Quantifying stochastic introgression processes in random environments with hazard rates", Theoretical Population Biology, 100 (2015), 1-5.
  11. Guerra, A., Hernández-Urcera, J., Garcia, M. E., Sestelo, M., Regueira, M., González, A. F., Cabanellas- Reboredo, M., Calvo-Manazza, M., Morales-Nin, B., “Spawning habitat selection by Octopus vulgaris: New information for a more suitable management of this resource”, Fisheries Research, 167 (2015), 313-322.
  12. Lopes, R. T., Gonçalves, M. M., Fassnach, D., Machado, P. P., Sousa, I., “Time to improve and recover from depressive symptoms and interpersonal problems in a clinical trial”, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 22 (2) (2015), 97-105.
  13. Matias, J., Correia, A., Mestre, P., Serodio, C., Couto, P., Teixeira, C., Melo-Pinto, P., "Adaptive Penalty and Barrier function based on Fuzzy Logic", Expert Systems with Applications, 42(9) (2015), 6777-6783.
  14. Meira-Machado, L., de Uña-Álvarez, J., Datta, S., “Nonparametric Estimation of Conditional Transition Probabilities in a non-Markov Illness-death Model”, Computational Statistics, 30 (2015), 377-397.
  15. Monteiro, N., Martins, A., Ribeiro, D., Faria, S., Fonseca, N.A., Moreira, J.N., Reis, R.L. , Neves, N.M., "On the use of dexamethasone-loaded liposomes to induce the osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells'', Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 9(9) (2015), 1056-1066. 
  16. Sagitov, S., Serra, M.C., "Skeletons of near-critical Bienaymé-Galton-Watson branching processes", Advances in Applied Probability, 47(2) (2015), 530-544.
  17. Shahriari, LS., Faria, S., Gonçalves, A.M., “Variable Selection Methods in High-Dimensional Regression – a Simulation Study ", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 44(10) (2015), 2548-2561.
Papers published in proceedings of international conferences and book chapters 
  1. Costa, M., Gonçalves, A.M., Silva, J. "Forecasting time series combining Holt-Winters and Bootstrap approaches", 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics - ICNAAM2014, 22-28 September 2014, Rhodes, Greece. In AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP Publishing, Theodore E. Simos et al. (Eds) 1648 (2015), 110004-1-110004-4.
  2. Costa, M. F. P., Rocha, A. M. A. C., Fernandes, E. M. G. P., "Combining Non-dominance, Objective-order and Spread Metric to Extend Firefly Algorithm to Multi-objective Optimization", International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization - EMO2015, 29 March - 1 April (2015), Guimarães, Portugal. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Cham, Gapar-Cunha et al. (Eds), 9018 (2015), 292-306.
  3. Costa e Silva E., Costa, M.F., Erlhagen, W., Bicho, E., “Global vs. Local Nonlinear Optimization Techniques for Human-Like Movement of an Anthropomorphic Robot”, 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics - ICNAAM2014, Rhodes, Greece, 22-28 September 2014. In AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP Publishing, Theodore E. Simos et al. (Eds) 1648 (2015), 140004-1--140004-4.
  4. Ferreira, M., Rebelo, M., "On the Hill estimator: a comparison of methods", Proceedings of the XII Congreso Gallego de Estadística e Investigación de Operaciones, 22 - 24 October (2015), Lugo, Espanha, 350-355.
  5. Francisco, R.B., Costa, M.F., Rocha, A.M., “A Firefly Dynamic Penalty Approach for Solving Engineering Design Problems”, 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics - ICNAAM2014, Rhodes, Greece, 22-28 September 2014. In AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP Publishing, Theodore E. Simos et al. (Eds) 1648 (2015), 140010-1--140010-4.
  6. Gonçalves, A.M., Costa, M., Oliveira, M. "An Alternative Educational Indicator for classifying Secondary Schools in Portugal", 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics - ICNAAM2014, 22-28 September 2014, Rhodes, Greece. In AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP Publishing, Theodore E. Simos et al. (Eds) 1648 (2015), 840003-1-840003-4.
  7. Gulletta, G., Araújo, S.M., Costa e Silva, E., Costa, M.F., Erlhagen, W., Bicho, E., “Nonlinear optimization for human-like synchronous movements of a dual arm-hand robotics system”, 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics - ICNAAM2014, Rhodes, Greece, 22-28 September 2014. In AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP Publishing, Theodore E. Simos et al. (Eds) 1648 (2015), 140007-1--140007-4.
  8. Oliveira, R., Gonçalves, A.M., Vasconcelos, R.M. "A New Perspective of Students Allocation Satisfaction in Engineering Courses in Portugal", 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics - ICNAAM2014, 22-28 September 2014, Rhodes, Greece. In AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP Publishing, Theodore E. Simos et al. (Eds) 1648 (2015), 840002-1-840002-4.
  9. Ribeiro A.P., Ribeiro E., Loura J., Gonçalves M.M., Stiles W.B., Horvath A., Sousa, I. (2015), "Therapeutic collaboration and resistance: Describing the nature and quality of the therapeutic relatioship within ambivalence events using the therapeutic collaboration coding system", Psychotherapy Research, 24(3), 346-359. 

Other publications

  1. Alves, A.C., Gonçalves, A.M., Fernandes, J.M., Vaz, I., Teixeira, S., Sousa, I., Report about “Surgical Cases Packages”. Problem presented by Hospital of Braga. 109th European Study Group with Industry (ESGI), 11-15 May, Department of Production and Systems, Engineering School, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, 14 pages.
  2. Gonçalves, A.M., Costa, M., Silva, J. “A metodologia Bootstrap associada ao método de Holt-Winters na previsão de séries temporais”, Proceedings of the JOCLAD 2015, April 10-11, Barreiro, Portugal,  Instituto Nacional de Estatística (2015), 95-96.
  3. Gonçalves, A.M., Gomes, R. “Estudo do Papel Mediador de Variáveis Psicológicas na relação entre a Intenção e a Prática de Exercício Físico”, Proceedings of the JOCLAD 2015, April 10-11, Barreiro, Portugal,  Instituto Nacional de Estatística (2015), 113-114.
  4. Faria, S. and Gomes, R., “O Papel Mediador da Avaliação Cognitiva na Relação entre Stress e Saúde Psicológica”, Proceedings of the JOCLAD 2015, April 10-11, Barreiro, Portugal,  Instituto Nacional de Estatística (2015), 117-118.
  5. Faria, S. and Portela, C., “Avaliação do Desempenho dos alunos Portugueses em Matemática – PISA 2009”, Proceedings of the JOCLAD 2015, April 10-11, Barreiro, Portugal,  Instituto Nacional de Estatística (2015), 57- 58.

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