
Particle Systems and Partial Differential Equations – PSPDE VII
University of Palermo, Italy, November 19-23, 2018.
The goal of this meeting is to bring together active researchers working in the fields of probability and partial differential equations to present their latest scientific findings in both areas and to promote discussion on some of their areas of expertise.
The meeting includes 2 mini-courses and 20 invited talks.
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Open Day of CMAT
Universidade de Trás-os Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal, October 19, 2018.
The purpose of this initiative is to bring together CMAT's members, PhD and MSc CMAT's students, providing an opportunity for them to present their scientific activity and discuss their areas of expertise.
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Workshop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis and Applications 2018-WOTCA 2018
This Workshop will take place in Guimarães, Portugal, on 25-28 June 2018. It will be hosted by the Department of Mathematics and Applications of the University of Minho. It aims to bring together researchers working in Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and their applications, in particular Mathematical Physics, and to create an opportunity to highlight the current state of the art in these fields, present open problems and engage in fruitful discussions. The first Young Researchers in Functional Analysis and Mathematical Physics meeting, YRFAMP'18, will be held alongside and in coordination with WOTCA 2018, aiming to foster contact between leading mathematicians and younger ones.
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The 24th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs
will be held on 18-21 June, 2018 at University of Minho, Campus de Gualtar, Braga, Portugal. This conference is organized by members of the Mathematics research center (CMAT) of the University of Minho.
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