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Ph.D. theses concluded in 2015
  • Ana Isabel Coelho Borges
    Joint modelling of multivariate longitudinal and survival data for breast cancer
    Supervisor: Inês Sousa (CMAT)
    Institution that awarded the degree: University of Minho
  • Florbela Pires Fernandes
    Nonconvex and derivative-free mixed-integer nonlinear programming
    Supervisor: M. Fernanda P. Costa (CMAT) and Edite M. G. P. Fernandes (Algoritmi Research Centre)
    Institution that awarded the degree: University of Minho
  • Luís Manuel dos Santos de Melo Margalho
    Spatio-temporal modeling of environmental and health data
    Supervisor: Raquel Menezes (CMAT) and Inês Sousa (CMAT)
    Institution that awarded the degree: University of Minho
  • Emanuel Augusto Freitas de Sousa
    Aprendizagem e generalização de representações numa arquitetura baseada em campos dinâmicos para interação humano-robô
    Supervisor: Wolfram Erlhagen (CMAT) and Estela Bicho (University of Minho)
    Institution that awarded the degree: University of Minho
  • Margarida Cristina Pereira da Silva Oliveira
    From mathematical modelling to computational simulation: mathematical experimentation on teaching
    Supervisor: Maria Elfrida Ralha (CMAT), Suzana Nápoles (University of Lisbon) and José Francisco Rodrigues (University of Lisbon)
    Institution that awarded the degree: University of Minho

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