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Some recents results about well-balanced schemes
Christophe Berthon (Laboratoire de Mathématiques Jean Leray, Université de Nantes, France)
November 7, 2013, 02:30pm, room EC0.31 (library of DMA, Azurém)
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Alan Turing and the Origins of Modern Gaussian Elimination
Froilán M. Dopico (ICMAT and Departmento de Matemáticas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) 
25 of July 2013, 02:30 pm, room B4009 (DMA seminars room, Gualtar)
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Obtention of Contact Models with Adhesion or Wear for Elastic Beams by Using Asymptotic Methods
Ángel Arós (Departamento de Métodos Matemáticos e de Representação, Coruña University, Spain)
9 of July 2013, 03:00 pm, room EC0.31 (DMA library, Azurém)
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Spline and q-Integer Points
Zeynet Fidan Kokac (Department of Mathemathics, Mugla University, Turkey)
31 of May 2013, 02:30 pm, room EC0.31 (DMA library, Azurém)
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The Ballet of Numbers
Zeynet Fidan Kokac (Department of Mathemathics, Mugla University, Turkey)
29 of May 2013, 02:30 pm, room B4009 (DMA seminars room, Gualtar)

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An Evolutionary-Penalty Approach for Constrained Optimization: Development and Applications
Rituparna Datta (Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur)
February 20, 2013, 02:30pm, room EC0.31 (library of DMA, Azurém)

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