Universidade do Minho  

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  • Figueiredo, I., Rodrigues, J.F., Santos, L. (Eds.), "Proceedings of the Conference `Free boundary problems: theory and applications'", International Series on Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 154, Birkhäuser, 2006, ISBN 978-3-7643-7718-2.
  • Mendes Araújo, C., Mendes Gonçalves, S., Mendes Martins, P., Patrício, P. (Editors), "Actas do Encontro de Algebristas Portugueses 2005", CMAT.
  • Ralha, E., Estrada, M.F., Rodrigues, A., Silva, M.C., "José Anastácio da Cunha: O Tempo, as Ideias, a Obra e... os Inéditos", ADB (Arquivo Distrital de Braga), CMAT (Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Minho), CMUP (Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto), Braga 2006, ISBN 978-989-95122-1-4.
  • Vilar, C., "O De Crepusculis de Pedro Nunes (uma leitura actualizada)", CMAT (Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Minho), Braga 2006, ISBN 989-95122-2-2.
Artigos em Revistas
  • Bock, S., Falcão, M.I., Gürlebeck, K., Malonek, H., ``A 3-dimensional Bergman Kernel method with applications to rectangular domains", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 189, 1-2, pp. 67-79. (v. repositorium)
  • d'Almeida, F.D., Vasconcelos, P.B., Fernandes, R., "Discretization of Iterative Refinement Methods for a Second Kind Operator Equation", Proceedings of the International Conference on Topics and Numerical Analysis (TOFNA-2005), Journal of Analysis, Volume 14 (2006), 33-53.
  • Duarte, P., Torres, M.J., ``Combinatorial stability of non-deterministic systems", Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 26 (2006), pp. 93-128. (v. repositorium)
  • Fernández Suárez, L., Ghienne, P., Kahl, T., Vandembroucq, L., ``Joins of DGA modules and sectional category", Algebraic & Geometric Topology 6 (2006), pp. 119-144.
  • Gomes, A., Ralha, E. , ``O Problema da Formação Matemática dos Professores do 1º Ciclo: Que Soluções?", Educação e Matemática 86 (2006), pp. 27-28.
  • Kahl, T., ``Note on L.-S. category and DGA modules", Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. 13 (2006), pp. 703-717. (v. repositorium)
  • Kahl, T., ``Relative directed homotopy theory of partially ordered spaces", Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 1 (2006), pp. 79-100.
  • Kahl, T., Lambrechts, P., Vandembroucq, L., ``Bords homotopiques et modèles de Quillen", Homology, Homotopy and Applications 8 (2006), pp. 1-28.
  • Karlovich, A., ``Higher order asymptotics of Toeplitz determinants with symbols in weighted Wiener algebras", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 320, pp. 944-963.  (v. repositorium)
  • Kremer, G., Pandolfi Bianchi, M., Soares, A.J., ``A relaxation kinetic model for transport phenomena in a reactive flow", Physics of Fluids 18, 037104, pp. 1-15.
  • Marques Smith, P., Sullivan, R.P., ``Congruences on semigroups generated by injective nilpotent transformations", Bull. Austal. Math. Soc. 74 (2006), pp. 393-409.
  • Mendes Araújo, C., Torregrosa, J.R., Urbano, A.M., ``Totally nonpositive completions on partial matrices", Linear Algebra and its Applications 413 (2006), pp. 403-424. (v. repositorium)
  • Mendes Gonçalves, S., ``Semigroups of injective linear transformations with infinite defect", Communications in Algebra 34 (2006), pp. 289-302. (v. repositorium)
  • Mendes Gonçalves, S., Sullivan, R.P., ``Maximal inverse subsemigroups of the symmetric inverse semigroup on a finite-dimensional vector space", Communications in Algebra 34 (2006), pp. 1055-1069.
  • Salavessa, I.M.C., Pereira do Vale, A. ``Transgression Forms in dimension 4", International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 3 (5-6) (2006), pp. 1221-1254.
  • Santos, L., ``The nonlinear problem of two membranes", Rendiconti di Matematica, Série VII 26 (2006) 9, pp. 231-247.
  • Serra, M.C., ``On the waiting time to escape", Journal of Applied Probability 43 (1) (2006), pp. 296-302.
  • Soares, A.J., Bianchi. M. Pandolfi, Kremer, G., "A relaxation kinetic model for transport phenomena in reactive flow", Phys. Fluids 18 (2006), pp. 037104.
  • Viamonte, A. J., Ralha, R., ``High relative precision of eigenvalues calculated with Jacobi methods", WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics no. 6, vol. 5, pp. 721-727.
Artigos em Actas de Congressos
  • Azevedo, A., Rodrigues, J.F., Santos, L., ``The N-membranes problem with Neumann boundary condition", Free boundary problems: theory and applications (I. Figueiredo, J. F. Rodrigues, L. Santos (Eds.)), International Series on Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 154, Birkhäuser, 2006, pp. 55-64.
  • Canto e Castro, L., Ferreira, M., ``Contributos para o estudo da ocorrência prolongada no tempo de níveis extremos", Actas do XIII Congresso Anual da SPE/Ciência Estatística, 2006, pp. 365-376.
  • Cruz, J., Falcão, M.I., Malonek, H.R., ``3D-Mappings and their approximations by series of powers of a small parameter", K. Gürlebeck and C. Könke (Editors): Proceedings 17th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, 2006.
  • Edgar, S.B., Machado Ramos, M.P., ``Using the generalized invariant formalism: a class of conformally flat pure radiation metrics with a negative cosmological constant”, Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting ERE (AIP Conference Proceedings), Maiorca, Spain 2006.
  • Espírito Santo, J., Frade, M.J., Pinto, L., ``Structural proof theory", Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA'06), LNCS vol. 4098, Springer, 2006, pp. 197-211.
  • Estrada, F. e Silva, M.C., ``José Anastácio da Cunha e a Álgebra do seu Tempo'', Actas do Encontro de Algebristas Portugueses 2005, Universidade do Minho, 2006.
  • Falcão, M.I., Cruz, J., Malonek, H.R., ``Remarks on the generation of monogenic functions", K. Gürlebeck and C. Könke (Editors): Proceedings 17th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, 2006.
  • Karlovich, A., ``Algebras of singular integral operators with piecewise continuous coefficients on weighted Nakano spaces", `The Extended field of Operator Theory', Dritschel, Michael A. (Ed.), Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 171 (2006), pp. 171-188.
  • Kremer, G., Pandolfi Bianchi, M., Soares, A.J., ``Closure of the balance laws for gaseous mixtures near chemical equilibrium", XIII International Conference WASCOM 2005, pp. 304-309.
  • Kremer, G., Pandolfi Bianchi, M., Soares, A.J., ``The effect of the affinity on the equilibrium behavior of a reactive system", aceite para publicação em 25th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics.
  • Malonek, H.R., Falcão, M.I., ``3D-Mappings Using Monogenic Functions", T.E. Simos et al. (eds.), ICNAAM2006-International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2006, pp. 615-619.
  • Malonek, H.R., Falcão, M.I., Silva, A.M., ``Maple tools for modified quaternionic analysis", K. Gürlebeck and C. Könke (Editors): Proceedings 17th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, 2006.
  • Mars, M., Mena, F.C., Vera, R., ``First order perturbations of the Einstein-Straus model", Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity meeting 2005, AIP Conference Proceedings 841, pp. 519-522.
  • Mena, F.C., ``Non-equivalence of newtonian and relativistic second order perturbations", Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity meeting 2005, AIP Conference Proceedings 841, pp. 639-640.
  • Monaco, R., Pandolfi Bianchi, M., Soares, A.J., ``Simulations at Kinetic Scale of Relaxation Models for Slow and Fast Chemical Reactions", XIII International Conference WASCOM 2005, pp. 378-389.
  • Oliveira, F., Soares, A.J., ``Global solutions of Boltzmann-type equations with three-body chemical interactions", XIII International Conference WASCOM 2005, pp. 414-419.
  • Ralha, E., Lopes, Â., ``José Vizinho: an unknown portuguese who enabled far-away places to become known", Proceedings HPM2004, ESU4, ICME Satellite Meeting of the HPM Group, Fourth European Summer University (History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education) Uppsala Universitet, 2006, pp. 359-367.
  • Soares, A.J., Bianchi. M. Pandolfi, Kremer, G., "Closure of the balance laws for gaseous mixtures near chemical equilibrium", World Scientific Proceedings of the XIII International Conference WASCOM (2006), Eds. R. Monaco, G. Mulone, S. Rionero, T. Ruggeri, pp. 304-309.
  • Soares, A.J., Bianchi. M. Pandolfi, Monaco, R, "Simulations at Kinetic Scale of Relaxation Models for Slow and Fast Chemical Reactions", World Scientific Proceedings of the XIII International Conference WASCOM (2006), Eds. R. Monaco, G. Mulone, S. Rionero, T. Ruggeri, pp. 378-389.
  • Soares, A.J., Oliveira, Filipe, "Global solutions of Boltzmann-type equations with three-body chemical interactions", World Scientific Proceedings of the XIII International Conference WASCOM (2006), Eds. R. Monaco, G. Mulone, S. Rionero, T. Ruggeri, pp .414-419.
  • Vaz, E.G.L.R., Brito, Irene, “Mathematical properties of the elasticity difference tensor”, Proceedings of the XXVIII Spanish relativity meeting – ERE 2005 “A century of relativity physics”, AIP Conference Proceedings, (Berlin: Springer, 2006).
  • Vaz, O., Carvalho e Silva, J., Ralha, E., ``A Multivariable Calculus Textbook Project Integrating Technology For Engineering Students", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics at the Undergraduate Level, pp. 76-77.
Artigos em Livros
  • Caramalho Domingues, J., Duarte, A., Ralha, E., Rodrigues, J.F., Carvalho e Silva, J., "Logarithms and Powers: um comentário", pp. 277-296, in Ralha, E., Estrada, M.F., Rodrigues, A., Silva, M.C., ``José Anastácio da Cunha: O Tempo, as Ideias, a Obra e... os Inéditos", ADB/CMAT/CMUP, Braga 2006, ISBN 978-989-95122-1-4.
  • Caramalho Domingues, J., Ralha, E., Rodrigues, J.F., Carvalho e Silva, J., ``Notas ao manuscrito Principios do Calculo Fluxionario. Março de 1780 de José Anastácio da Cunha", pp. 265-275, in Ralha, E., Estrada, M.F., Rodrigues, A., Silva, M.C., ``José Anastácio da Cunha: O Tempo, as Ideias, a Obra e... os Inéditos", ADB/CMAT/CMUP, Braga 2006, ISBN 978-989-95122-1-4.
  • Duarte, A., Estrada, M.F., Ralha, E., Silva, M.C.,``Um estudo sobre o manuscrito Principios de Geometria tirados dos de Euclides Prologo de José Anastácio da Cunha", pp. 219-254, in Ralha, E., Estrada, M.F., Rodrigues, A., Silva, M.C., ``José Anastácio da Cunha: O Tempo, as Ideias, a Obra e... os Inéditos", ADB/CMAT/CMUP, Braga 2006, ISBN 978-989-95122-1-4.
  • Estrada, M.F. "José Anastácio da Cunha: vida e obra", pp. 99-129, in Ralha, E., Estrada, M.F., Rodrigues, A., Silva, M.C., ``José Anastácio da Cunha: O Tempo, as Ideias, a Obra e... os Inéditos", ADB/CMAT/CMUP, Braga 2006, ISBN 978-989-95122-1-4.
  • Estrada, M.F., Machiavelo, A., Queiró, J.F., Silva, M.C., "Anotações ao manuscrito Nouvelle Résolotuion Numérique des équations de tous les Degrés de José Anastácio da Cunha", pp. 255-264, in Ralha, E., Estrada, M.F., Rodrigues, A., Silva, M.C., ``José Anastácio da Cunha: O Tempo, as Ideias, a Obra e... os Inéditos", ADB/CMAT/CMUP, Braga 2006, ISBN 978-989-95122-1-4.
  • Estrada, M.F., Ralha, E., Carvalho e Silva, J., "José Anastácio da Cunha: o miliotar-académico (notas a respeito de uma lista de exercícios pedida pela Academia das Ciências de Lisboa)", pp. 297-318, in Ralha, E., Estrada, M.F., Rodrigues, A., Silva, M.C., ``José Anastácio da Cunha: O Tempo, as Ideias, a Obra e... os Inéditos", ADB/CMAT/CMUP, Braga 2006, ISBN 978-989-95122-1-4.
  • Johnson, C.R., Zhang, Y.L., ``Spectrally Arbitrary Factorization: The Nonderogatory Case", in Textos de Matemática, série B, Universidade de Coimbra, No. 39, pp. 79-92.

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