
- Palhares, P. (Coordenador/Autor), Fernandes, J., Fonseca, L., Gomes,
A., Hirst, K., Pimentel, T., Portela, J., Ralha, E., Vale, I., Elementos
de Matemática (para Professores do Ensino Básico), ISBN
972-757-280-4, LIDEL, Lisboa, 2004, 413.
em Revistas
- Barthe, G., Frade, M.J., Gimémez, E., Pinto, L., Uustalu, T.,
"Type-based termination of recursive definitions", Mathematical Structures in Computer Science,
14:97-141, 2004. (v. repositorium)
- Calogero,
S., "Global Small Solutions of the Vlasov-Maxwell System in the Absence
of Incoming Radiation", Indiana Univ Math Journal vol 53 (2004),
- Caramalho Domingues, J., Variables, limits, and infinitesimals in
Portugal in the late 18th century, Historia Mathematica,
31:15-33, 2004.
- Costa, José Carlos, Reducibility of joins involving some locally
trivial pseudovarieties, Communications in Algebra, 32:3517-3535,
- Costa, José Carlos and Teixeira, Maria de Lurdes, Tameness of the
pseudovariety LSl, International Journal of Algebra and
Computation, 14:627-654, 2004.
- Marques-Smith, M. Paula O., Giraldes, E. and Mitsch, H., F-Regular
semigroups, Journal of Algebra, 274:491-510, 2004.
- Mena, F.C., Nolan, B.C., Tavakol, R., The role of anisotropy and
inhomogeneity in Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi collapse, Physical Review D,
vol 70, pp 84030-84039, 2004.
- Mena, F.C, Tod, P., Matching non-stationary spatially homogeneous
spacetimes with vacuum exteriors, Physical Review D, vol 70; pp
104028-104036, 2004.
- Mendes Araújo, Cláudia, Torregrosa, Juan Ramón and Urbano, Ana M.,
The N-matrix completion problem under digraphs assumptions, Linear
Algebra and its Applications, 380:213-225, 2004. (v. repositorium)
- Mendes-Gonçalves, Suzana and Sullivan, R.P., Baer-Levi semigroups of
linear transformations, The Royal Society of Edinburgh Proceedings A
(Mathematics), 134A:477-499, 2004. (v. repositorium)
- Moyaux, P.-M. and Vandembroucq, L., Lagrangian intersections,
critical points and Q-category, Math. Z., 246:85-103, 2004. (v. repositorium)
- Oliveira, Filipe, Approximation of the DNLS equation by the cubic
nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, Sect.
A, vol 134, n. 3, pp 595-607, 2004.
- Patrício, Pedro and
Puystjens, R., Generalized invertibility in two semigroups of a ring, Linear
Algebra and its Applications, 377:125-139, 2004. (v. repositorium)
- Patrício, Pedro and Puystjens, R., Drazin-Moore-Penrose
invertibility in rings, Linear Algebra and its Applications,
389:159-173, 2004. (v. repositorium)
- Pinto, Fernanda and Sullivan, R.P., Baer-Levi Semigroups of Partial
Transformations, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society,
69:87-106, 2004.
- Soares, A.J., Bianchi, M. Pandolfi, First-order kinetic
approximation for a chemically reactive gas mixture, Cont. Mech.
Thermodyn., 17:53-67, 2004.
em Actas de Congressos
- Gomes, A., Ralha, E., Is Elementary
Geometry easy? (a comparative study with Portuguese Teachers from
Pre-school to University), Proceedings of the 10th International
Congress on Mathematics Education (ICME10), 2004, Copenhagen,
- Hirst, K., Meacock, S., Ralha, E.,
Student Expectations of Studying Mathematics at University, Proceedings
of the 27th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research
Groups of Australasia, Australia, 2004.
- Hirst, K., Ralha, E., Vaz, O., A
Portuguese Study on Learning Concepts and Proofs: Multivariable Calculus
and MathematicaTM, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on
Mathematics Education (ICME10), 2004, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Lopes, A., Ralha, E., José Vizinho, An
Unknown Portuguese Who Enabled Far-Away Places to Become Known, Proceedings
of the 4th Summer University on History and Epistemology of Mathematics
(HPM2004), 2004, Uppsala, Sweden.
- Machado Ramos, M.P., Edgar, S. B. , ''Obtaining the pure
radiation metric using invariant operators'', GR17, Dublin, Irland
- Mena, F.C., Tavakol, R., Vera, R.,
Generalisations of the Einstein-Straus model to cylindrical symmetry, World
Scientific Proceedings of 10th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Singapore,
accepted for publication.
- Espírito Santo, J., Pinto, L.,
Confluence and strong normalisation of the generalised multiary
lambda-calculus, Revised selected papers from the International Workshop
TYPES 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 3085, pp.
194-209, 2004.
- Soares, A.J., Bianchi, M. Pandolfi,
Kinetic approach to transport properties of a reactive gas, World
Scientific Proceedings of the XII International Conference Wascom,
Singapore, Eds. R. Monaco, S. Pennisi, S. Rionero, T. Ruggeri, pp.
380-385, 2004.
Soares, A.J., Bianchi, M.
Pandolfi, Monaco, R., A reactive BGK-type model: influence of elastic
collisions and chemical interactions, AIP Proceedings of the 24th RGD
Symposium, Ed. M. Capitelli, pp 70-75, 2004.