
2003 Artigos
em Revistas
Costa, José Carlos, Biinfinite words with maximal
recurrent unbordered factors, Theoretical Computer Science,
290:2053-2061, 2003. -
Fernández-Suárez, Lucía, A. Gómez-Tato, J. Strom,
and D.Tanré, The Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of Sp(3), Proc. AMS,
132(2):587-595, 2003. -
Kahl, Thomas, On the algebraic approximation of
Lusternik-Schnirelmann category, Journal of Pure and Appl. Algebra,
181:227-277, 2003. -
Marques-Smith, M. Paula O. and Sullivan, R.P.,
Partial orders on transformation semigroups, Monatsh. Math.,
140:103-118, 2003. -
Mendes Araújo, Cláudia, Torregrosa, Juan Ramón and
Urbano, Ana M., N-matrix completion problem, Linear Algebra and its
Applications, 372:111-125, 2003. -
Oliveira, Filipe, Stability of the solitons for the
one-dimensional Zakharov-Rubenchick equation, Physica D,
175:220-240, 2003. -
Patrício, Pedro, The Moore-Penrose inverse of a
factorization, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 370:227-235,
2003. (v. repositorium) -
Ralha, Rui, One-sided reduction to bidiagonal form,
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 358:219-238, 2003.
em Actas de Congressos
Bock, S., Falcão, M.I. and Gürlebeck, K.,
Applications of Bergman kernel functions, Digital Proc. IKM - 16th
Int. Conf., 2003. -
Dahlke, S., Lindemann, M., Teschke, G., Zhariy, M.,
Soares, M.J., Cerejeiras, P. and Kahler, U., A Wavelet Based Numerical
Method for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Digital Proc.
``International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and
Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering", IKM, Weimar,
2003. -
Espírito Santo, José and Pinto, Luís, Permutative
conversion in intuitionistic multiary sequent calculus with cuts, Proceedings
of 6th International on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA
2003), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2701, pp 286-300,
Springer, 2003. -
Gomes, Alexandra, Ralha, M. Elfrida, Conceitos
Elementares em Geometria: Que Definição escolher?, SEIEM (Sociedad
Española de Investigación en Educación Matemática), Granada,
Espanha, 2003. -
Gomes, Alexandra, Ralha, M. Elfrida, Um novo olhar
sobre a Educação Matemática dos Professores do 1. Ciclo , I SNEB (I
Seminário Nacional de Educação Básica), Aveiro, 2003. -
Gomes, Alexandra, Ralha, M. Elfrida, Conceito de
Perpendicularidade: como é visto pelos (futuros) professores do 1.
ciclo?, XIV SIEM (Seminário de Investigação em Educação Matemática),
Santarém, 2003. -
Mena, Filipe, Generalisations of the
Einstein-Straus model to cylindrical symmetry, Proceedings of the
Tenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, accepted for publication. -
Mena, Filipe, Evolution of second order
perturbations in flat dust FLRW, Proceedings of the Spanish
Relativity Meeting 2002, pp. 263-266 (Publicaciones de la
Universitat de Barcelona), 2003. -
Mena, Filipe, On modifications of the
Einstein-Straus model to Bianchi metrics, Proceedings of the Spanish
Relativity Meeting 2001, pg. 343-346 (Berlin: Springer-Verlag),
2003. -
Soares, M.J., Transforms, Algorithms and
Applications, Proceedings of "Mathematical Techniques and Problems in
Telecommunications", pp. 33-73, Tomar, 2003.