
Publicações em 2009
Artigos em revistas
- Ding, Y., Thomas, A., Zhang, Y.,
"The investigation on strength and flexural toughness of fibre cocktail
self-compacting high performance concrete", Construction and Building
Materials 23 (1) (2009), 448-452
- Ding, Y., Thomas, A., \Zhang, Y., Paulini, P.,
"Investigation of the stress and strain state of clay pipes under fire
condition", Ceramics International 35 (1) (2009), 448-452, 63-67
- Ferreira, C., Parlett, B., "Convergence of LR algorithm for a
one-point spectrum tridiagonal matrix", Numerische
Mathematik 113 (3) (2009), 417-431
- Ralha, R., "Perturbation splitting for more accurate eigenvalues", SIAM J. MATRIX ANAL. APPL 31 (1) (2009), 75-91
- Ralha,
R., Ralha,M. Elfrida, GomesP., "Aventuras numéricas no
cálculo do e", Gazeta de Matemática 157(Abril, 2009), 37-48
Artigos em actas de congressos
- Bicho, E., Louro,
L., Hipólito, N.,Erlhagen, W., "A
dynamic field approach to goal inference and error monitoring for human-robot
interaction", Proceedings of the Symposium on New Frontiers in Human-Robot
Interaction (Kerstin Dautenhahn ed.) at AISB 2009 Convention, Heriot-Watt
University Edinburgh, Scotland
(April 2009), 31-37
- 190295680X)
- Costa, M.F.P., Fernandes, E.M.G.P., "Pratical Evaluation of an Interior-Point Three-D Filter Line Search Method using Engineering Design Problems", Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Strutural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Lisbon, Portugal (2009), (10pg)
- Costa, M.F.P., Fernandes, E.M.G.P., "Incorporating a Four-Dimensional Filter Line Search Method into an Interior Point Framework", Proceedings
of the 2009 International Computacional and Mathematical Methods
inScience and Engineering, Gijon, Asturias, Espanha, (2009), 300-310
(ISBN: 978-84-612-9727-6)
- Costa, M.F.P., Fernandes, E.M.G.P.,
"Comparison of Filter Line Search Algorithms in tne Primal-Dual Barrier
Approach for Nonlinear Programming", Numerical Analysis and
Applied Mathematics, T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and C. Tsitouras (Eds),
AIP Conference Proceddings, Springer-Verlag (2009), 1168, 1370-1373
(ISBN: 978-0-7354-0709)
- Fernandes, F.P., Costa, M.F.P., Fernandes, E.M.G.P.,
"Overview on Mixed Integer Nonlinear programming problems", Numerical Analysis and
Applied Mathematics, T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and C. Tsitouras (Eds),
AIP Conference Proceddings, Springer-Verlag (2009), 1168, 1374-1377
(ISBN: 978-0-7354-0709)
- Flores, P., Machado, G., Pereira, R. M. S., Pimenta Claro, J. C., "Kinematics
of roller motion and carn size optimization of disc cam follower
mechanisms with translating roller followers" Proceddings of the 2009
ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, San Diego, USA (30 Aug - 2
Sept. 2009)
- Liu, Yun Z., Zhang, Y., "Structure-preserving Schur methods for
computing square roots of real skew hamiltonian matrices",
Proceedings of 3rd International workshop on matrix analysis, Hangzhou, P. R., China, 2 (2009), 124-127
- Liu, Zhongyun, Jing Li, Zhang, Y., "On the Eigenstructure of Hermitian Toeplitz
Matrices with Prescribed Eigenpairs", Proceedings of 8th
International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications
(ISORA09), Zhangjiajie, China, (Sept, 2009), 298-305
- Liu, Zhongyun; Duan, You-Cai; Yun-Feng, Zhang,Y., "Inverse Eigenvalue
Problems and Their Associated Approximation Problems for Matrices with
J-(Skew) Centrosymmetric",
Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Optimization and System (OSB09), Zhangjiajie, China, (Sept, 2009), 329-336
- Lopes, S., Fontes, F., "Necessary
Conditions of Optimality for Calculus of Variations Problems with
Inequality Constraints", AIP Conference Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, 1168 (2009), 1382-1384, (ISBN: 978-0-7354-0708)