Publicações 2012Artigos publicados em revistas com arbitragem
Athayde, E., Azevedo, C., Leiva, V., Sanhueza, A., "About Birnbaum-Saunders distributions based on the Johnson system", Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 41 (2012) 2061-2079.
Azevedo, C., Leiva, V., Athayde, E., Balakrishnan, N., "Shape and change point analyses of the Birnbaum-Saunders-t hazard rate and associated estimation", Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 56 (2012), 3887-3897.
Cunha, C., Gonçalves, M., Hill, C.E., Mendes, I., Ribeiro, A., Sousa, I., Angus, L., Greenberg, L.S. “Therapist interventions and client innovative moments in emotion-focused therapy for depression”, Psychotherapy (Chic) 49(4) (2012), 536-48
Ding, Y., Azevedo, C., Aguiar, J.B., Jalabi, S., "Study on residual behaviour and flexural toughness of fibre cocktail reinforced to high temperature", Construction and Building Materials 26 (2012), 21-31.
Faria, S., Soromenho, G., “Comparison of EM and SEM Algorithms in Poisson Regression Models: a simulation study’’, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 41(4) (2012), 497-509.
Fernandes, I., Pascoal, C., Guimarães, H., Pinto, R., Sousa, I., Cássio, F., “Higher temperature reduces the effects of litter quality on decomposition by aquatic fungi”, Freshwater 57(11) (2012), 2306-2317.
Ferreira, H., Ferreira, M., “Tail dependence between order statistics”, JMVA 105(1) (2012), 176-192.
Ferreira, M. , Ferreira, H., “On extremal dependence: some contributions”, TEST 21(3) (2012), 566-583.
Ferreira, H., Ferreira, M., “Fragility Index of block tailed vectors”, J. Statist. Plann. Inference 142 (7) (2012), 1837-1848.
Ferreira, H., Ferreira, M., “On extremal dependence of block vectors”, Kybernetika 48(5) (2012), 988-1006.
Ferreira, M., “On the extremal behavior of a pareto process: an alternative for armax modeling”, Kybernetika 48(1) (2012), 31-49
Ferreira, M., “Parameter estimation and dependence characterization of the MAR(1) process”, ProbStat Forum 5 (2012), 107-111.
Ferreira, M., Gomes, M.I., Leiva, V., “On an extreme value version of the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution”, RevStat 10(2) (2012), 181-210
Garcia-Soidán, P., Menezes, R., (2012). “Estimation of the spatial distribution through the kernel indicator variogram”. Environmetrics 23(6), 535-548
Ghosh, A., Serra, M.C., Haccou, P., "Quantifying time-inhomogeneous stochastic introgression processes with hazard rates", Theoretical Population Biology, 81(4) (2012), 253-263.
Gomes, M.I., Ferreira, M., Leiva, V., “The Extreme Value Birnbaum-Saunders Model, its Moments and an Application in Biometry”, Biometrical Letters 49(2) (2012), 81-94.
Gonçalves, M., Mendes, I., Cruz, G., Ribeiro, A., Sousa, I., Angus, L., “Innovative moments and change in client-centered therapy”, Psychotherapy Research 22(4) (2012), 389-401
Moreira, A., Meira-Machado, L. "survivalBIV: Estimation of the Bivariate Distribution Function for Sequentially Ordered Events Under Univariate Censoring", Journal of Statistical Software, 46(13) (2012), 1-16.
Moreira, C., de Uña-Álvarez J., “Kernel density estimation with doubly truncated data”, Electronic Journal of Statistics 6 (2012), 501-521.
Capítulos de livros
Costa, M., Gonçalves, A.M., “Combining Statistical Methodologies in Water Quality Monitoring in a Hydrological Basin - Space and Time Approaches”, Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment, InTech (2012), 121-142
Costa, M., Monteiro, M., Gonçalves, A.M.. “Kalman Filtering Approach in the Calibration of Radar Rainfall Data: A Comparative Analysis of State Space Representations”, Rainfall: behavior, forecasting, and distribution, Nova Science Publishers (2012), 167-183
Artigos publicados em atas de congressos internacionais
Costa, M., Monteiro, M., Gonçalves, A.M. “Kalman filtering approach in the calibration of radar rainfall data”, Proceedings of the IWSM2012-27th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (Vol. 2) , July 16-20, Prague/Czech Republic, Arnost Komárek, Stanislav Nagy Eds.(2012), 447-453
Gonçalves, A.M., Costa, M. “Water monitoring sites discrimination using clustering water variables time series and main latent factors identification”, Proceedings of the IWSM2012-27th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling Vol. 2 (2012), July 16-20, Prague/Czech Republic, 531-536
Moreira, A., Agostinho Araújo, A., Meira-Machado, L., "Estimation of the bivariate distribution function: a comparative study", 27th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling IWSM'27, Prague, Czech Republic, July 16-20, 2012
Moreira, A., Meira-Machado, L., "Conditional Estimation of the Bivariate Distribution under Dependent Right Censoring", 27th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling IWSM'27, Prague, Czech Republic, July 16-20, 2012
Oliveira, R., Gonçalves, A.M., Vasconcelos, R.M. “A statistical model for the demand of undergraduate engineering courses in Portugal: A first study of Bologna Process impact”, AIP Conference Proceedings NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS ICNAAM 2012: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics Vol. 1479(1), September 19-25, Kos/Greece, American Institute of Physics Ed. (2012) DOI: 10.1063/1.4756505, 1724-1727