
Publicações 2016Artigos publicados em revistas com arbitragem - Alves, A., Sousa, R., Moreira, F., Carvalho, M., Cardoso, E., Pimenta, P., Malheiro, T., Brito, I., Fernandes, S., Mesquita, D., “Managing PBL difficulties in an Industrial Engineering and Management Program”, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 9 (2016) 586-611.
- Avelino, C. P., Santos, A. F., "Spherical Folding Tessellations by Kites and Isosceles Triangles IV", Ars Mathematica Contemporanea, 11 (2016) 59-78.
- Carrasquel-Vera, J. G., Kahl, T., Vandembroucq, L., “Rational approximations of sectional category and Poincaré duality”, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 144 (2016) 909-915. arXiv, repUM
- Czinner, V. G., Iguchi, H., “Rényi entropy and the thermodynamic stability of black holes”, Physics Letters B, 752 (2016) 306-310. arXiv, repUM
- Czinner, V. G., Mena, F. C., “Relative information entropy in cosmology: The problem of information entanglement”, Physics Letters B, 758 (2016) 9-13. arXiv, repUM
- Ferreira, A. C., “Uma biografia de Einstein”, Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matematica (SPM), 74 (2016) 81-97.
- Gomez-Lobo, A. G. P., "Vacuum type D initial data", Classical and Quantum Gravity, 33 (2016) 175005 (16pp). arXiv
- Gomez-Lobo, A. G. P., "New conserved currents for vacuum space-times in dimension four with a Killing vector", Genenal Relativity and Gravitation, 48 (2016) 126 (12pp). arXiv
- Kahl, T., “Topological abstraction of higher-dimensional automata", Theoretical Computer Science, 631 (2016) 97-117. arXiv, repUM