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Publicações 2012

Artigos publicados em revistas com arbitragem 
  • Brito I., Carot J., Mena F. C. and Vaz E. G. L. R., “Cylindrically symmetric static solutions of the Einstein field equations for elastic matter”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 53 (2012) 122504
  • Brito, I., Carot, J., Vaz, E. G. L. R., “Erratum to: General spherically symmetric elastic stars in relativity“, General Relativity and Gravitation: vol. 44 (2012), pp. 287-301
  • Câmara, M.C., Malheiro, M.T., "Factorization in a torus and Riemann-Hilbert problems", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 386(1) (2012), 343-36
  • Carreira Adelaide, “Uma experiência extracurricular de matemática com crianças carenciadas”, Revista Bilingue do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Revista Eletrônica de Educação, vol. 6 (2012) pp. 342–357.
  • Carvalho, F, Soares, A. J., “On the dynamics and linear stability of one-dimensional steady detonation waves”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012) 255501, 1-23,
  • Costa, J., Alho A., Natário J., "Spherical linear waves in de Sitter spacetime", J. Math. Phys. 53 (2012) 052501 (9 páginas)
  • García-Parrado, A., Martín-García, J.M., "Spinors: A Mathematica package for doing spinor calculus in General Relativity", Comput. Phys. Commun. 183 (2012), 2214-2225
  • Kahl, Thomas, “Some collapsing operations for 2-dimensional precubical sets”, Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 7 (2012), pp. 281–298
  • Liz, E., Pilarczyk, P., "Global dynamics in a stage-structured discrete-time population model with harvesting", Journal of Theoretical Biology 297 (2012), 148-165
  • Mena, F. C., "Spacetime junctions and the collapse to black holes in higher dimensions", Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2012 (2012), 638726 (14 páginas)
  • Pilarczyk, P., García, L., Carreras, B. A., Llerena, I., "A dynamical model for plasma confinement transitions", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45(12) (2012), 125502
  • Szapudi I., Czinner, V.G., Cosmological perturbations from a group theoretical point of view, Class. Quantum Grav. 29 (2012) 015007

Artigos publicados em atas de conferências internacionais

  • Alho A., Costa, J., Natário J., "Towards the Einstein-Lambda-scalar field system in spherical symmetry", Proceedings of the XX Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics, AIP Conf. Proc. 1460, (2012), 149-153
  • Bradley, M., Edgar S. B. and Machado Ramos, M. P., “Classification of a class of conformally flat pure radiation metrics with cosmological constant”, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1458, 331-334
  • Brito, I., Carot, J., Mena, F. C., Vaz, E. G. L. R., “Matching a static cylindrically symmetric elastic spacetime”, Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting 2011, AIP Conf. Proc. 1458, (2012), 335-338
  • Brito, I., Vaz, E. G. R. L., “Conformally related material metrics in general relativistic elasticity”, Proceedings of the Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, edited by Thibault Damour, Robert T Jantzen and Remo Ruffini, World Scientific, Singapore, (2012), 2026-2028
  • García-Parrado, A. and Martín-García, J. M, “Spinor calculus on 5 dimensional spacetimes”, Proceedings of the MG12 Meeting on General Relativity, World Scientific, 1941-1943
  • Kremer, G. M., Marques Junior, W. and Soares, A. J., “Influence of Reaction Heat on Time Dependent Processes in a Chemically Reacting Binary Mixture”, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1501 (2012), 137-144
  • Mena, F. C., Natario, J., Tod, P., "Gravitational Collapse to Higher Dimensional Topological Black Holes", Proceedings of the Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, edited by Thibault Damour, Robert T Jantzen and Remo Ruffini, World Scientific, Singapore, (2012), 1057-1059 
  • Mena, F. C., "Black holes in higher dimensions and gravitational collapse ", Proceedings of the XX Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics, AIP Conf. Proc. 1460 (2012) 198-201
  • Moura, F., "Dilatonic Black Holes in Heterotic String Theory", Proceedings of the Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Paris, France, July 2009, World Scientific, (2012), 1063-1065
  • Moura, F., "R4 Terms and d = 4 Supergravity", Proceedings of the Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Paris, France, July 2009, World Scientific (2012), 2341-2343
  • Moura, F., "Perturbations and scattering of spherically symmetric d-dimensional \alpha'-corrected black holes in string theory", Quantum Theory and Symmetries 7, Prague, Czech Republic, August 2011, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 343 (2012), 012082 
  • Vale, Ana Pereira do, “Musical composition without the standard musical knowledge”, Proceedings of Bridges Towson July 2012
  • Vaz, E. G. R. L., Brito, I., Carot, J. “Elasticity and spherical symmetry”, Proceedings of the Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, edited by Thibault Damour, Robert T Jantzen and Remo Ruffini, World Scientific, Singapore, (2012), 2032-2034  

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