
Publications 2017Papers published in peer review journals
- Alho, A., Mena, F. C., Valiente-Kroon, J., "The Einstein-Friedrich-nonlinear scalar field system and the stability of scalar field cosmologies", Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 21 (2017) 857-899. arXiv, repUM
- Agricola, I., Ferreira, A. C., "Tangent Lie groups are Riemannian naturally reductive spaces", Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebras, 27 (2017) 895-911. arXiv, repUM
- Avelino, C., Bourne, D., Ferreira, F., Rateiro, D., Santos, J., "Scheduling the repair of aircraft components - a case study", Mathematics-in-Industry Case Studies, (2017) 7:5.
- Avelino, C. P., Santos, A. F., "A class of spherical folding subdivisions", Contrib. Discrete Math., 11 (2017) 79-101.
- Avelino, C. P., Santos, A. F., "Geometric and combinatorial structure of a class of spherical folding tessellations - I", Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 67 (2017) 891-918.
- Avelino, C. P., Santos, A. F., "Spherical folding tessellations by kites and isosceles triangles III", Moscow Mathematical Journal, 17 (2017) 191-237.
- Brito, I., Gonçalves, P., Ramos, P. L., "O risco e a ruína na atividade seguradora", Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, 75 (2017) 3-30. repUM
- Brito, I., Da Silva, M. F. A., Mena, F. C., Santos, N. O., "Cylindrically symmetric inhomogeneous dust collapse with a zero expansion component", Classical and Quantum Gravity, 34 (2017) 205005 (17pp). arXiv, repUM
- Brito, I., Mena, F. C., "Initial boundary-value problem for the spherically symmetric Einstein equations with fluids with tangential pressure", Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 473 (2017) 20170113. arXiv, repUM
- Cohen, D., Vandembroucq, L., "Topological complexity of the Klein bottle", Journal of Applied and Computational Topology, 1 (2017) 199-213. arXiv
- Ferreira, A. C., Salavessa, I., "Dirichlet principal eigenvalue comparison theorems in geometry with torsion", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 453 (2017) 700-723. arXiv, repUM
- Ferreira, F., Avelino, C. P., Bentes, I., Matos, C., Teixeira, C., “Assessment strategies for municipal selective waste collection schemes”, Waste Management, 59 (2017) 3-13.
- Krakowski, K. A., Machado, L., Silva Leite, F., Batista, J., "A modified Casteljau algorithm to solve interpolation problems on Stiefel manifolds", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 311 (2017) 84-99.
- Luz P., Vitagliano, V., "Raychaudhuri equation in spacetimes with torsion", Physical Review D, 96 (2017) 024021 (9 pages). arXiv
- Machado, L., Monteiro, M. T. T., "A numerical optimization approach to generate smoothing spherical splines", Journal of Geometry and Physics, 111 (2017) 71-81.
- Mena, F. C., Oliveira, J., "Radiative gravitational collapse to spherical, toroidal and higher genus black holes", Annals of Physics, 387 (2017) 135-151. arXiv, repUM
Papers published in proceedings of international conferences and book chapters
- Figueiredo, L., Dourado, M., Sabet, S.M.M., Pereira, A., Pinto, F., Brito, I., Machado, J., Meireles, J., Fernández, C., “Acoustic Assessment of a Steering Wheel Sensor Using Particle Velocity Method”, Tecniacustica 2017, A Coruña, Spain, October 2017, pp. 382-392.
Other publications
- Moreira, F., Alves, A., Rodrigues, C., Malheiro, M., Brito, I., Carvalho, A., "Lecturers’ perceptions of a semester-wide interdisciplinary PBL in a master’s degree program in industrial engineering and management", ASME 2017 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2017, Tampa, Florida, USA, November 2017, 8pp.