Universidade do Minho    
  Universidade do Minho
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The Geometry, Topology and Mathematical Physics group consists of fourteen members who hold a PhD degree, including three "Ciência 2007" and "Ciência 2008" researchers, as well as five PhD students, four of which are being supervised by members of the group.

The research activity of the group is focused on Algebraic Topology, Differential Geometry and selected topics from Mathematical Physics (General Relativity, String Theory and Kinetic Theory). The group maintains a high level of internationalization with a rather large number of external collaborators, both mathematicians and theoretical physicists, coming from renowned research units. Some of the members are engaged in research projects with external funding, which broadens its scientific activity. The scientific activity of the group includes the organization of seminars, short courses and scientific meetings.

The current composition of the research team is a consequence of a restructuring of CMAT, which reorganized the Geometry members of GATHA and all the members of MathPhys into this new group.

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