
Publicações 2014
Artigos publicados em revistas com arbitragem
- Aires, A.P.; Catarino, P.; Campos, H.; Borges, A.; Vasco, P., s-Generalized Fibonacci numbers: some identities, a generating function and pythagorean triples. International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 8(38),1757 - 1766, 2014, ISSN: 1312-8876 (print), 1314-7579 (online)
- Almeida, J., Costa, J. C., Zeitoun, M., “Iterated periodicity over finite aperiodic semigroups”, European Journal of Combinatorics 37 (2014), 115–149 [consultar no RepositoriUM
- Almeida, J., Costa, J. C., Zeitoun, M., "Closures of regular languages for profinite topologies", Semigroup Forum 89(1) (2014), 20–40 [consultar no RepositoriUM
- Billhardt, B., Giraldes, E., Marques-Smith, P., Mendes Martins, P., “The variety of unary semigroups with associate inverse subsemigroup", Semigroup Forum 89(1) (2014), 68-71 [consultar no RepositoriUM
- Borges, A.; Catarino, P.; Aires, A. P.; Vasco P.; Campos, H., Two-by-Two Matrices involving k-Fibonacci and k-Lucas Sequences, Applied Mathematical Sciences, 8(34), 1659-1666, 2014, ISSN: 1312-885X (print), 1314-7552 (online)
- Campos, H.; Catarino, P.; Aires, A. P.; Vasco, P.; Borges, A., On Some Identities of k-Jacobsthal-Lucas Number, International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 8(10), 489-494, 2014, ISSN: 1312-8876 (print), 1314-7579 (online)
- Catarino, P.; Vasco, P., Scilab in Linear Algebra, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 8, no. 28, 1391 - 1399, 2014, ISSN 1312-885X (print), 1314-7552(online)
- Catarino, P.; Vasco, P.; Borges, A.; Campos, H.; Aires, A. P., Sums, products and identities involving k-Fibonacci and k-Lucas sequences. JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications, 32(1), 63-77, 2014, ISSN: 0972-5555
- Catarino, P.; Vitória, J., Projeções e distâncias em $\R^7$, duplo produto vetorial e hiperplanos associados,Boletim da SPM, número 70, 15 -33, 2014, ISSN 0872-3672
- Costa, J. C., “Canonical forms for free k-semigroups”, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 26 (2014), 159-178[consultar no RepositoriUM
- Fernandes, L. M., Júdice, J. J., Sherali, H. D., Forjaz, M. A., "On an enumerative algorithm for solving eigenvalue complementarity problems", Comput. Optim. Appl. 59(1-2) (2014), 113-134
- Hartwig, R. E., Patrício, P., "Two by two units", Electron. J. Linear Algebra 27 (2014), 489-503
- Lebtahi, L., Patricio, P., Thome, N., "The diamond partial order in rings", Linear and Multilinear Algebra 62(3) (2014), 386-395
- Mendes Araújo, C., Torregrosa, Juan R., "Some results on B-matrices and doubly B-matrices", Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 459 (2014), 101-120
- Mendes-Gonçalves, S., Sullivan, R. P., “Regular Elements and Green's Relations in Generalized Linear Transformation Semigroups”, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 38(1) (2014), 73-82 [consultar no RepositoriUM
- Vasco P.; Catarino P., Sums and products involving terms of k-Pell, k-Pell-Lucas and Modified k-Pell sequences, JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications, Vol. 32, no. 2, 87 - 98, 2014, ISSN: 0972-5555
- Ding, Yining; Ning, Xiliang; Zhang, Yulin; Pacheco-Torgal, F. and Aguiar, J.B., “Fibres for enhancing of the bond capacity between GFRP rebar and concrete”, Construction and Building Materials, 51 (2014), 303–312
- Ding, Yining; Liu, Hekai; Ning, Xiliang; Zhang, Yulin and Azevedo, Cecilia, “Shear resistance and cracking behaviour of SFRC beams with and without axial load”, Magazine of Concrete Research, 66 (2014), 1183–1193
- Zhu, H., Chen, J., Zhang, X., Patrício, P., "The Moore-Penrose inverse of 2×2 matrices over a certain ∗-regular ring", Appl. Math. Comput. 246 (2014), 263-267
Artigos publicados em atas de conferênciais internacionais
- Espírito Santo, J., Matthes, R., Nakazawa, K., Pinto, L., “Confluence for classical logic through the distinction between values and computations”, CL&C 2014, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 164 (2014), 63-77 [consultar no RepositoriUM
- Forjaz, M. A., Almeida, A.M., Lacerda-Arôso, T., Pamplona, J., "Complementary Eigenvalue Problem in systems with frictional contact: the Stiffness Matrix for the contact nodes between different materials", Proceeding of the 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2014), Guimarães, Portugal, June 30 - July 3, 2014. IEEE Computer Society, 268-271