
- Carla Ferreira, The Unsymmetric Tridiagonal Eigenvalue Problem, PhD Thesis, Universidade do Minho, 2007.
Zhongyun Liu, YuLin Zhang and Rui Ralha, Computing the square roots of matrices with central symmetry, Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 186, n.1 (2007) 715-726.
Carlos Campos, David Guerrero, Vicente Hernandez and Rui Ralha, Parallel bidiagonalization of a dense matrix, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, vol. 29, n.3 (2007) 826-837.
Rui Ralha, M. Elfrida Ralha and Paula Gomes, Aventuras numéricas no cálculo do e (in portuguese), accepted for publication in Gazeta de Matemática (SPM).
- F. D. d'Almeida, R. Fernandes and P. B. Vasconcelos, Discretization of iterative refinement methods for a second kind operator equation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Topics in Functional and Numerical Analysis (TOFNA-05), vol. 14 (2006) 33-53.
Ana Julia Viamonte and Rui Ralha, High relative precision of eigenvalues calculated with Jacobi methods, WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, vol. 5, n.6 (2006) 721-727.
Charles, Johnson and YuLin Zhang, Spectrally arbitrary factorization: the nonderogatory case, Textos de Matemática, série B, Universidade de Coimbra, n. 39 (2006), 79-92.
H. R. Malonek, M. Irene Falcão and A. M. Silva, Maple tools for modified quaternionic analysis, in K. Gürlebeck and C. Könke (Editors): Proceedings 17th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, 2006.
H. R. Malonek and M. Irene Falcão, 3D-Mappings Using Monogenic Functions,T.E. Simos et al. (eds.) ICNAAM2006-International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics,Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2006, 615-619.
J. Cruz, M. Irene Falcão and H. R. Malonek, 3D-Mappings and their approximations by series of powers of a small parameter, in K. Gürlebeck and C. Könke (Editors): Proceedings 17th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, 2006.
M. Irene Falcão, J. Cruz and H. R. Malonek, Remarks on the generation of monogenic functions, in K. Gürlebeck and C. Könke (Editors): Proceedings 17th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, 2006.
S. Bock, M. Irene Falcão, K. Gurlebeck and H. Malonek, A 3-dimensional Bergman Kernel method with applications to rectangular domains, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 189 , n. 1-2 (2006) 67-79.