Universidade do Minho    
  Universidade do Minho
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Publicações 2010

Artigos em revistas com arbitragem

  • André, P., Aubreton, J., Clain, S., Dudeck, M., Duffour, E., Elchinger, M.F., Izrar, B., Rochette, D., Touzani, R., Vacher, D., “Transport coefficients in thermal plasma. Application to Mars and Titan atmospheres”, Eur. Phys. J. D (2010), 227-234
  • Bicho, E., Louro, L., Erlhagen, W., “Integrating verbal and nonverbal communication in a dynamic neural field architecture for human-robot interaction”, Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 4 (2010)
  • Bocianski, D., Müsseler, J., Erlhagen, W., “Effects of attention on a relative mislocalization with successively presented stimuli”, Vision Research 50 (2010), 1793-1802
  • Buffard, T., Clain, S., “Monoslope and multislope MUSCL methods for unstructured meshes”, Journal of Comptutational Physics 229 (2010), 3745-3776
  • Clain, S., Clauzon, V., “L^\infty stability of the MUSCL methods”, Numerische Mathematik 116 (1)(2010), 31-64
  • Clain, S., Rochette, D., Touzani, R., “Multislope MUSCL method for unstructured meshes applied to the compressible axisymmetric Euler equations for swirling flows”, Journal of Computational Physics 229 (13)(2010), 4884-4906
  • Johnson, C., Zhang, Y., “The Jordan Form Problem for C=AB: the Balanced, Diagonalizable Case”, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 3 (4)(2010), 609-623
  • Johnson, C., Zhang, Y., “On the possible ranks among matrices with a given pattern”, Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 2 (3) (2010), 363-377
  • Lefort, A., Abbaoui, M., Clain, S., “Cathode spot emergence on copper and chromium alloy used in vacuum breakers”, Journal of High Temperature Material Processes 14 (2)(2010), 257-268
  • Liu, Z., Chen, L., Zhang, Y., “The Reconstruction of an Hermitian Toeplitz matrices with prescribed eigenpairs”, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 23 (2010), 961-970
  • Liu, Z., Zhang, Y., Ferreira, C., Ralha, R., “On inverse eigenvalue problems for block Toeplitz matrices with Toeplitz blocks”, Applied Mathematics and Computation 216 (6)(2010), 1819-1830
  • Pereira, R.M.S, Gajjar, J.S.B., “Transonic inviscid flows past thin airfoils: A new numerical method and global stability analysis using MatLab”, Int. Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 4 (1) (2010), 74-81
  • Pereira, R.M.S, Brito, I., Machado, G., Malheiro, T., Vaz, E., Flores, M., Figueiredo, J., Pereira, P., Jesus, A., “New e-learning objects for the Mathematics courses from Engineering degrees: Design and Implementation of Question Banks in Maple T.A. using LaTeX”, Int. Journal of Education and Information 4 (1) (2010), 7-14
  • Rochette, D., Clain, S., Bussière, W., Besnard, C., “Porous filter optimization to improve the safety of the medium voltage electrical installations during an internal arc fault”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 25 (4) (2010), 2464-2471
 Capítulos de livros
  • Jancke, D., Erlhagen, W., “Bridging the gap: A model of common neural mechanisms underlying the Fröhlich effect, the flash-lag effect , and the representational momentum effect”, In “Problems of Space and Time in Perception and Action”, Nijhawan, R. Khurana, B. (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 2010, 422-440 
Artigos em atas de conferências internacionais
  • Ahues, M., d´Almeida, F., Fernandes, R., “Error Bounds for L1 Galerkin Approximations of Weakly Singular Integral Operators”, Integral Methods in Science and Engineering, Volume 2, Computational Methods, Birkhäuser, 1-10
  • Clain, S., Rochette, D., Touzani, R., Lino da Silva, M., Vacher, D., André, P., “A contribution on the numerical simulation of ICP torches”, Proceeding of the Fifth European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECCOMAS CFD Lisbon June 14-17
  • Costa, M.F.P., Fernandes, E.M.G.P, “Assessment of a Primal-Dual Interior Point Method using a Three-D Filter Line Search Strategy”, International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and Ch. Tsitouras (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings ISBN: 978-0-7354-0834-0, Vol. 1281, Springer-Verlag, Rhodes, Greece, September 19-25, 987-990
  • Costa, M.F.P., Gaspar-Cunha, A., “Assessment of a Hybrid Multiobjective Pattern Search Filter Method”, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Engineering Optimization, H. Rodrigues et al. (Eds.), ISBN: 978-989-96264-3-0, CD-ROM (1169), Lisbon, Portugal, 6-9 September, (10 pages)
  • Fernandes, F. P., Costa, M.F.P., Fernandes, E.M.G.P. “A Deterministic-Stochastic Method for Nonconvex MINLP Problems”, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Engineering Optimization, H. Rodrigues et al. (Eds.), ISBN: 978-989-96264-3-0, CD-ROM (1198), Lisbon, Portugal, September 6-9, (9 pages)
  • Fernandes, F. P., Costa, M.F.P., Fernandes, E.M.G.P., “Numerical Experiments with Nonconvex MINLP Problems”, International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and Ch. Tsitouras (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings ISBN: 978-0-7354-0834-0, Vol. 1281, Springer-Verlag, September 19-25, 983-986
  • Jancke, D., Erlhagen, W., “Bridging the gap: A model of common neural mechanisms underlying the Fröhlich effect, the flash-lag effect , and the representational momentum effect”, In “Problems of Space and Time in Perception and Action”, Nijhawan, R. Khurana, B. (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 2010, 422-440
  • Lopes, S. O., Fontes, F. A. C. C., “On the degeneracy of optimality conditions for control problems with set-inclusion constraints”, Proceedings of the 9th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control (CONTROLO’2010), Coimbra, Portugal, September 8-11 (5 pages)
  • Martins, J. B., Machado, G., Ribeiro, H., “Limit Equilibrium of 2D and 3D nonhomogeneous loaded Ground Masses”, in Proceedings of GeoFlorida 2010, Florida, USA, February 20-24 (7 pages)
  • Pinheiro, M., Bicho, E., Erlhagen, W., “A dynamic neural field architecture for a pro-active assistant robot”, Proceedings of the third IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2010), Tokyo, Japan, September 26-29, 777-784

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