The research interests of the members of the Centre of Mathematics lie in the domains of Algebra and Logic, Analysis, Geometry and Topology, Operational Research, Statistics and Applied Probability. Apart from promoting the research in well-established areas of Pure Mathematics, CMAT devotes special attention to applications of Mathematics to other scientific and technological domains.
The research activity of members of CMAT is carried out in accordance with the objectives of the following Research Groups:
Algebra, Logic and ComputationAnalysis and ApplicationsGeometry, Topology and ApplicationsStatistics, Applied Probability and Operational ResearchAll research groups have some of their objectives orientated towards applications, involving, in some cases, multidisciplinary teams.
The current research groups are the result of a recent restructuring of the groups:
Algebra, Logic and ComputationAnalysis, Dynamical Systems and Applications Computational Mathematics and Applications Geometry, Topology and Mathematical PhysicsStatistics and Applied Probability.