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Publicações 2009

Artigos em revistas

  1. Ahues, M., d´Almeida, F.D., Fernandes, R., "Piewise constant Galerkin approximations of weakly singular integral equations", International J. Pure Appl. Math. 55(4) (2009), 569-580
  2. Arai, Z., Kokubu, H., Pilarczyk, P., "Recent development in rigorous computational methods in dynamical systems", Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 26(2/3) (2009), 393-417
  3. Arai, Z., Kalies, W., Kokubu, H., Mischaikow, K., Oka, H., Pilarczyk, P., "A database schema for the analysis of global dynamics of multiparameter systems", SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 8(3) (2009), 757-789
  4. Bilhardt, B., Giraldes, E., Marques-Smith, M. Paula O., Mendes Martins, P. ,"Semigroups with associate inverse subsemigroups", Semigroup Forum (79)(1) (2009), 101-118
  5. Calogero, S., Sanchez, Ó., Soler, J., "Asymptoticbehaviour and orbital satbility of galactic dynamics in relativistic scalar gravity", Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal (2009), 743-773
  6. Costa, J.C., Nogueira, C., "Complete reducibility of the pseudovariety LSl", Int. J. Algebra Comput. 19 (2009), 247-282
  7. Ding, Y., Thomas, A., Zhang, Y., "The investigation on strength and flexural toughness of fibre cocktail reinforced self-compacting high performance concrete", Construction and Building Materials 23(1) (2009), 448-452
  8. Ding, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., Paulini, P., "Investigation of the stress and strain state of clay pipes under fire condition", Ceramics International 35(2) (2009), 63-67
  9. Edgar, B. S., Gómez-Lobo, A. G.-P., Martín-García, J.M., "Petrov D vacuum spaces revisited: Identities and Invariant Classification", Class. Quantum Grav. 26 (2009), 105022
  10. Espírito Santo, J., "The Lambda-Calculus and the Unity of Structural Proof Theory", Special Issue on Computability in Europe 2007, Theory of Computing Systems 45 (2009), 963-994
  11. Espírito Santo, J., Matthes, R., Pinto, L.,"Continuation-Passing Style and Strong Normalisation for Intuitionistic Sequent Calculi", Logical Methods in Computer Science 5 (2009), 2-11
  12. Faria, T., Oliveira, J.J., "Boundedness and global exponential stability for delayed differential equations with applications", Appl. Math. Comput. 214 (2009), 487-496
  13. Ferrari, P., Gonçalves, P., Martin, J., "Collision probabilities in the rarefaction fan of asymmetric exclusion processes",  Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. 45(4) (2009), 1048-1064
  14. Ferreira, C., Parlett, B., "Convergence of LR algorithm for a one-point spectrum tridiagonal matrix", Numerische Mathematik 113(3) (2009), 417-431
  15. Gonçalves, P., Jara, M.,"Density Fluctuations for a zero-range process on the percolation cluster", Electronic Communications in Probability 14 (2009), 382-395
  16. Gonçalves, P., Landim, C., Toninelli, C., "Hydrodynamic limit for a particle system with degenerate rates", Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. 45(4) (2009), 887-909
  17. Gonçalves, R., Ferreira, H., Pinto, A.A., Stollenwerk, N., “Universality in nonlinear prediction of complex systems”, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, special issue dedicated to Saber Elaydi, 15(11;12) (2009), 1067-1076
  18. Gonçalves, R., Pinto. A.A., Stollenwerk, N., "Cycles and Universality in Sunspot Numbers Fluctuations", The Astrophysical Journal 691 (2009), 1583-1586
  19. Grünrock A., Panthee M., Drumond Silva J., “On KP-II type equations on cylinders”, Ann. I. H. Poincaré – AN 26 (2009), 2335–2358
  20. Jórdan, C., Mendes Araújo, C., Torregrosa, J.R., "$N_0$ completions on partial matrices", Applied Mathematics and Computation 211 (2009), 303-312
  21. Kremer G M, Oliveira Filipe, Soares Ana Jacinta, "H-theorem and trend to equilibrium of chemically reacting mixture of gases", Kinet. Relat. Models 2 (2009), 333-343
  22. Machado, A., Malheiro, M. T. , Erlhagen, W., “Learning to Time: A Perspective”, Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 92 (2009), 423-458
  23. Marques-Smith, M. P. O., Sullivan, R. P., "Congruences on Nilpotent-generated Partial Transformation Semigroups", Algebra Colloquium 16(2) (2009), 229-24
  24. Martins A. , Pinho E.D., Faria S., Pashkuleva I., Marques A.P., Reis R.L., Neves N.M.,"Surface Modification of Electrospun Polycaprolactone Nanofiber Meshes by Plasma Treatment to Enhance Biological Performance", Small 10 (2009), 1195-1206
  25. Martins, J., Pinto, A., Stollenwerk, N., "A scaling analysis in the SIRI epidemiological model", Journal of Biological Dynamics 3(5) (2009), 479–496
  26. Meira-Machado, L., de Uña-Àlvarez, J., Cadarso-Suárez, C., Andersen, P.K., "Multi-state models for the analysis of time to event data", Statistical Methods in Medical Research 18 (2009), 195-222
  27. Mena, F., Natário, J., "Matching Stationary Spacetimes", Journal of Geometry and Physics, 59 (2009), 448-458
  28. Mendes Araújo, C., Torregrosa, J.R., "Sign pattern matrices that admit M-, N-, P- or inverse M-matrices", Linear Algebra and Its Applications 431 (2009), 724-731
  29. Mendes-Gonçalves, S. , Sullivan, R.P., "The ideal structure of semigroups of linear transformations with upper bounds on their nullity or defect", Comm. Algebra 37 (7)(2009), 2522-2539 
  30. Menezes, R., Tawn, J., "Assessing the effect of biased and clustered sampling on variogram estimation", Environmetrics 20(4) (2009), 445-459
  31. Miranda, F., Rodrigues, J.F., Santos, L., “A class of stationary nonlinear Maxwell systems”, Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 19 (10) (2009), 1883-1905
  32. Oliveira, J.J., "Global asymptotic stability for neural network models with distributed delays", Mathematical and Computer Modelling 50 (2009), 81-91
  33. Patrício, P., Hartwig, R.E., "Some additive results on Drazin Inverses", Applied Mathematics and Computation 215 (2009), 530-538
  34. Patrício, P., Veloso da Costa, A., "On the Drazin index of regular elements", Central European Journal of Mathematics 7(2) (2009), 200-205
  35. Pinto, A., Oliveira, B.M.P.O., Ferreira, M., “Patents in new technologies”, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, special issue dedicated to Saber Elaydi, 15(11;12) (2009), 1135-1149
  36. Ralha, R., "Perturbation splitting for more accurate eigenvalues", SIAM J. MATRIX ANAL. APPL 31 (1) (2009), 75-91
  37. Ralha, R., Ralha, M.E., Gomes, P., "Aventuras numéricas no cálculo do e", Gazeta de Matemática (SPM) 157 (2009), 37-48
  38. Rodrigues, J.F., Santos, L., "On a constrained reaction-diffusion system related to multiphase problems", Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 25(1) (2009), 299-319
  39. Serra, M.C., Sagitov, S., "Multitype Bienaymé-Galton-Watson processes escaping extinction", Advances in Applied Probability 41 (2009), 225-246
Artigos em actas de congressos
  1. Berciano, A., Molina-Abril, H., Pacheco, A., Pilarczyk, P., Real, P., "Decomposing Cavities in Digital Volumes into Products of Cycles", Proceedings of the 15th IAPR International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI 2009), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5810 (2009), 263-274
  2. Bicho, E., Louro, L., Hipólito, N., Erlhagen, W., "A dynamic field approach to goal inference and error monitoring for human-robot interaction", Proceedings of the Symposium on New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction at AISB 2009 Convention, Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, Scotland, Kerstin Dautenhahn ed. (2009), 31-37
  3. Costa, M.F.P., Fernandes, E.M.G.P., "Pratical Evaluation of an Interior-Point Three-D Filter Line Search Method using Engineering Design Problems", Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Strutural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Lisbon, Portugal (2009), (10pg)
  4. Costa, M.F.P., Fernandes, E.M.G.P., "Comparison of Filter Line Search Algorithms in tne Primal-Dual Barrier Approach for Nonlinear Programming", Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and C. Tsitouras (Eds), AIP Conference Proceddings, Springer-Verlag (2009), 1168, 1370-1373
  5. Espírito Santo, J., Pinto, L., Matthes, R., "Monadic translation of intuitionistic calculus", Types for Proofs and Programs, International Conference, TYPES 2008, Torino, Italy, March 2008, Edited by S. Berardi, F. Damiani, U. de'Liguoro, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 5497, Springer (2009), 100-116
  6. Fernandes, F.P., Costa, M.F.P., Fernandes, E.M.G.P., "Overview on Mixed Integer Nonlinear programming problems", Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and C. Tsitouras (Eds), AIP Conference Proceddings, Springer-Verlag (2009), 1168, 1374-1377
  7. Ferreira, F.A., Moreira, H.A., Pinto, A.A., “Signalling in an international Cournot model”, Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings 1168, Crete, Greece (2009), 987-990
  8. Ferreira, M., Oliveira, B. M. P. M., Pinto, A.A., “R&D Dynamics on costs”, Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings 1048, Kos, Greece (2009), 1-4
  9. Ferreira, M., Finkenstadt, B., Oliveira, B. M. P. M. and Pinto, A.A., “Greed in Random Matching Games”, Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings 1048, Kos, Greece (2009), 1-4
  10. Flores, P., Machado, G., Pereira, R. M. S., Pimenta Claro, J. C., "Kinematics of roller motion and carn size optimization of disc cam follower mechanisms with translating roller followers" Proceddings of the 2009 ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, San Diego, USA (30 Aug - 2 Sept. 2009)
  11. Gonçalves, R., Pinto, A.A., “Universality fluctuations of the S&P 100 stock index returns”, Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings 1168, Crete, Greece (2009), 979-982
  12. Kahl, T., "A fibration category of local pospaces", Proceedings of the Workshops on Geometric and Topological Methods in Concurrency Theory (GETCO 2004+2005+2006), Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2004), San Francisco, USA (2005), Bonn, Germany (2006), Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 230 (2009), 129-140
  13. Kremer, G.M., Soares, A.J., "A Kinetic Model for Chemical Reactions without Barriers", Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 26th International Symposium, 21-25 Julho 2008, Universidade de Kyoto, Kyoto , Japão, Edited by T. Abe (2009), 105-110 
  14. Liu, Z., Zhang, Y., "Structure-preserving Schur methods for computing square roots of real skew hamiltonian matrices", Proceedings of 3rd International workshop on matrix analysis, Hangzhou, P. R., China, 2 (2009), 124-127
  15. Liu, Z., Jing Li, Zhang, Y., "On the Eigenstructure of Hermitian Toeplitz Matrices with Prescribed Eigenpairs", Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA09), Zhangjiajie, China, (Sept, 2009), 298-305
  16. Liu, Z., Duan, Y.-C., Yun-Feng, Zhang,Y., "Inverse Eigenvalue Problems and Their Associated Approximation Problems for Matrices with J-(Skew) Centrosymmetric", Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Optimization and System (OSB09), Zhangjiajie, China, (Sept, 2009), 329-336
  17. Lopes, S., Fontes, F., "Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Calculus of Variations Problems with Inequality Constraints", AIP Conference Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, 1168 (2009), 1382-1384
  18. Monaco, R., Pandolfi Bianchi, M., Soares, A.J., "A Kinetic Approach to Propagation and Stability of Detonation Waves", Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 26th International Symposium, 21-25 Julho 2008, Universidade de Kyoto, Kyoto , Japão, Edited by T. Abe (2009), 45-50
  19. Pinto, L., Uustalu, T., “Proof search and counter-model construction for bi-intuitionistic propositional logic with labelled sequents”, Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, 18th International Conference TABLEAUX 2009, Edited by M. Giese, A. Waaler, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 5607, Springer (2009), 295-309
  20. Rodrigues, J.F., Santos, L., “A unilateral multiphase problem with Neumann type boundary condition” (Chiba, 2007), GAKUTO Internat. Ser. Math. Sci. Appl. 29, Gakkotosho, Tokyo, (2008), 353-362
Relatórios Técnicos do CMAT de 2009
  1. Patrício, P., Veloso da Costa, A., "On the Drazin index of regular elements", Relatório Técnico do CMAT 01/09 (pdf)
  2. Jordán, C., Mendes Araújo, C., Torregrosa, J.R., "$N_0$ completions on partial matrices", Relatório Técnico do CMAT 02/09 (pdf)
  3. Mendes Araújo, C., Torregrosa, J.R., "Sign pattern matrices that admit M –, N –, P– or inverse M –matrices", Relatório Técnico do CMAT 03/09 (pdf)
  4. Patrício, P., Hartwig, R.E., “Some additive results on Drazin Inverses”, Relatório Técnico do CMAT 04/09 (pdf)
  5. Grünrock, A., Panthee, M., Drumond Silva, J., "On KP-II equations on cylinders", Relatório Técnico do CMAT 05/09 (pdf)
  6. Panthee, M., Scialom, M., "Asymptotic behavior for a class of solutions to the critical Omodified Zakharov-Kuznetzov equation", Relatório Técnico do CMAT 06/09 (pdf)
  7. Espírito Santo, J., Matthes, R., Pinto, L., "Monadic translation of intuitionistic sequent calculus", Relatório Técnico do CMAT 07/09 (pdf)
  8. Mena F.C., Natario J., Tod P., "Formation of Higher Dimensional Topological Black Holes”, Relatório Técnico do CMAT 08/09 (pdf)
Outras Publicações
  1. Almeida, L., Cruz, J., Ferreira, H., Pinto, A., “Bayesian-Nash Equilibria in Theory of Reasoned Action”, Actas of the IX Congreso Galego de Estatística e Investigación de Operacións, 151-158
  2. Caramalho Domingues, J., "review of Robert E. Bradley and C. Edward Sandifer (eds.), Leonhard Euler: Life, Work and Legacy", Annals of Science 66(3) (2009), 446-448
  3. Gonçalves, P. "Hydrodynamic Limit of Particle Systems", Journal CIM - "International Center for Mathematics", 26 (2009), 12-18

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