Universidade do Minho    
  Universidade do Minho
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Publicações 2008

  1. Caramalho Domingues, J., "Lacroix and the Calculus", Birkhauser, 2008.
  2. Ferreira, F., Pinto, A.A., Rand, D.A., "Fine structures of hyperbolic diffeomorphisms", Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 2008.
Artigos em revistas
  1. Almeida, J., Costa, J.C., Zeitoun, M., "Pointlike sets with respect to R and J", J. Pure Appl. Algebra 212 (2008), 486-499.
  2. Bocianski, D., Müsseler, J., Erlhagen, W., "Relative mislocalization of successively presented stimuli", Vision Research 48 (2008), 2204-2212
  3. Burroughs, N.N., Oliveira, B.M.P.M., Pinto, A.A., Sequeira, H.J.T., "Sensibility of the quorum growth thresholds controlling local immune responses", Mathematical Methods and Modeling of Biophysical Phenomena, Mathematical and Computer Modeling 47 (2008), 714-725.
  4. Câmara, M. C., Diogo,  C, "Invertibility of Toeplitz operators and corona conditions in a strip", J. Math. Anal. Appl. 342 (2008) 1297-1317.
  5. Câmara, M.C., Malheiro, M.T., "Meromorphic factorization revisited and application to a group of matrices", Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, vol 2 (2008), 299-326.
  6. Caramalho Domingues, J., "A recepção dos trabalhos de Euler em Portugal", Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa da Matemática, número especial sobre Euler (2008) 87-111.
  7. Costa, J.C., Nogueira, C., "On bases of identities for the $\omega$-variety generated by locally testable semigroups", Theoretical Computer Science 401 (2008), 206-216
  8. Costa, M.F.P., Fernandes, E.M.G.P., "Practical implementation of an interior point nonmonotone line search filter method", International Journal of Computer Mathematics 85 (2008), 397-409.
  9. de Uña-Álvarez, Meira-Machado, L., "A simple estimator of the bivariate distribution function for censored gap times", Statistics and Probability Letters 78 (2008), 2440-2445.
  10. Ding, Y., Liu, S., Zhang, Y.L., Thomas, A., "The investigation on the workability of fibre cocktail reinforced self-compacting high performance concrete", Construction and Building Materials 22, 7 (2008)
  11. Faria, T., Oliveira, J.J., "Local and glocal stability for Lotka-Volterra systems with distributed delays and instantaneous negative feedbacks", J. Differential Equations 244 (2008), 1049–1079.
  12. Ferreira, M., Canto e Castro, L., "Tail and dependence behavior of level that persist for a fixed period of time", Extremes 11(2) (2008), 113-133.
  13. Gonçalves, P., "Central limit theorem for a tagged particle in asymmetric simple excursion", Stochastic Processes and their Applications 118 (2008), 474-502.
  14. Gonçalves, P., Jara, M., "Scaling limits for gradient systems in random environments", J. Stat. Physics 131 (2008), 691-716.
  15. Gonçalves, P., Jara, M., "Scaling limits of a tagged particle in the exclusion process with a variable diffusion coefficient", J. Stat. Physics 132(6) (2008), 1135-1143.
  16. Kahl, T., Scheerer, H., Tanré, D., Vandembroucq, L., "Simplicial resolutions and Ganea fibrations", Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 3(1) (2008), 309-330.
  17. Lim E., Ali A., Theodorou P., Sousa I., Ashrafian H., Chamageorgakis T., Duncan M., Diggle P., Pepper J., "A longitudinal study of the profile and predictors of left ventricular mass regression after stentless aortic valve replacement", The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 85 (6) (2008), 2026-2029.
  18. Martins, P.M., Petrich, M., "Unary Semigroups with an Associate Subgroup", Communications in Algebra 36:6 (2008), 1999-2013.
  19. Martins, P.M., Petrich, M., "Homomorphisms and Congruences of Medial Semigroups with an Associate Subgroup", Communications in Algebra 36:6 (2008), 2143-2159.
  20. Meira-Machado, L., de Uña-Àlvarez, J., Cadarso-Suárez, C., "Inference in the progressive three-state model", International Journal of Mathematical models and Methods in Applied Sciences 2 (2008), 447-454.
  21. Mena, F. C., Natario, J., Tod, P., "Gravitational Collapse to Toroidal and Higher Genus asymptotically AdS Black Holes", Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, vol 12 (2008), 1163-1181.
  22. Mena, F. C., Natario, J., Tod, P., "Avoiding closed timelike curves with a collapsing rotating null dust shell", Classical and Quantum Gravity, vol 25 (2008) 045016 (6 pages).
  23. Menezes, R., Garcia-Soidán, P., Febrero-Bande, M., "A kernel variogram estimator for clustered data", Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, vol 35, issue 1 (2008), 18-37.
  24. Oliveira, F. and Soares, A.J., "A note on a discrete Boltzmann equation with multiple collisions", J. of Math. An. and Appl., vol 341 (2008) 1476–1481.
  25. Rodrigues, J.F., Urbano, J.M., Santos, L., “The nonlinear N-membranes evolution problem”, Zapiski POMI, vol 362 (2008) 303-324
  26. Torres, M.J, Duarte, P., "Spectral stability of Markov systems", Nonlinearity 21 (2008), 381-397.
  27. Vaz, E.G.L.R and Brito, Irene, "Analysing the elasticity differencetensor of general relativity", General Relativity and Gravitation, DOI- 10.1007/s10714-008-0615-7(2008), http://www.springerlink.com/content/7g17004285303803.
Artigos em actas de congressos
  1. Almeida, J., Costa, J.C., Zeitoun, M., "$\omega$-terms over finite aperiodic semigroups", in Y. Boudabbous, N. Zaguia (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Relations, Orders and Graphs: Interaction with Computer Science, ROGICS'08, Nouha Editions, Sfax, Tunisia, 2008, pp. 364-371.
  2. Bicho, E., Louro, L., Hipólito, N., Erlhagen, W., "A dynamic neural field architecture for flexible and fluent human-robot interaction", Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Cognitive Systems, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, April 2-4, 179-185.
  3. Costa, M.F.P., Fernandes, E.M.G.P., "A Three-D Filter Line Search Method within an Interior Point Framework", Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, ISBN: 978-84-612-1982-7, Murcia, Spain, June 2008, 173-187.
  4. Espírito Santo, J., Ghilezan, S., Ivetic, J., "Characterizing strongly normalizing intuitionistic sequent terms", in M. Miculan, I. Scagnetto, F. Honsell (Eds.), Types for Proofs and Programs, International Conference TYPES 2007, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 4941, Springer, 85-99.
  5. Estrada, M.F., Ralha, E., “Reflection upon a “Method for Studying Maths” by José Monteiro da Rocha (1734-1819)”, (Eds. Barbin, E. & Stehliková, N. & Tzanakis, C.) History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education, Proceedings of the 5th European Summer University, ESU5, Vydavatelský servis, Plzen, 2008.
  6. Faria S., Soromenho, G.,  "Comparison of Mixture and Classification Maximum Likelihood Approaches in Poisson Regression Models", In Paula Brito, editor, Compstat 2008-Proceedings in Computational Statistics, volume II (2008), 69-77.
  7. Ferreira, M., Canto e Castro, L., “Distribuição estacionária e comportamento extremal de um processo RARMAX$_p$”. Actas do XV Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, 2008, 203-214.
  8. Foster, M. E., Giuliana, M., Müller, T., Rickert, M., Knoll, A., Erlhagen, W., Bicho, E., Hipólito, N., Louro, L., "Combining Goal Inference and Natural-Language Dialogue for Human-Robot Joint Action", Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Combinations of Intelligent Methods and Applications (CIMA 2008) in conjunction with the 18^th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-08), July 21/22, 2008, Patras, Greece.
  9. Gomes, A., Ralha, E., “Is Elementary geometry “easy”? – A comparative study with portuguese teachers from preschool to university”, (Ed. Niss, M.) Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME 10 2004, IMFUFA, Department of Science, Systems and Models, Roskilde University, Denmark, 2008.
  10. Gomes, A., Ralha, E., “Mathematical Training and Primary Schools Teachers: Where are we coming from and where are we going to in Portugal? (abstract)”, (Eds. Barbin, E. & Stehliková, N. & Tzanakis, C.) History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education, Proceedings of the 5th European Summer University, ESU5, Vydavatelský servis, Plzen, 2008.
  11. Haie N., Machado, G., Pereira, R. M. S., "Irrigation Water Use and its Effective Efficiency in Portugal", Proceedings of the 13th World Water Conference, Montpellier, France,
    September (2008) (12 páginas) CD available online

  12. Hirst, K., Ralha, E., Vaz, O., “A Portuguese study on learning concepts and proofs: Multivariable Calculus and MATHEMATICA®”, (Ed. Niss, M.) Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME 10 2004, IMFUFA, Department of Science, Systems and Models, Roskilde University, Denmark, 2008.
  13. Kremer, G. M., Soares, Ana Jacinta, “The contribution of the reaction heat to non-equilibrium effects of chemically reacting gases”, XIV International Conference WASCOM 2007, 360-365, 2008.
  14. Leão, C. P., Machado, G., Pereira, R. M. S., Paulo, J., Dias, P., Teixeira, S.F.C.F., "Differential Equations: concepts and applications", Proceedings of ICEE 2008, International Conference on Engineering Education, New Challenges in Engineering Education and Research in the 21st Century, Budapest, Hungary, July (2008) (7 páginas) CD available online
  15. Lopes, A., Ralha, E., “On the Portuguese Mathematical Readings about the Gregorian Calendar Reform (abstract)”, (Eds. Barbin, E. & Stehliková, N. & Tzanakis, C.) History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education, Proceedings of the 5th European Summer University, ESU5, Vydavatelský servis, Plzen, 2008.
  16. Meira-Machado, L, Cadarso-Suárez,C, de Uña-Álvarez, J., “Inference in Multi-state survival data”, Proceedings of The 13th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Tenerife, Espanha, 2008, 123-128.
  17. Mena, F.C., "Second order vector perturbations in bouncing universes", Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting 2007, EAS Publication Series, Eds. A. Oscoz, E. Mediavilla and M. Serra-Ricart, vol 30 (2008), 397
  18. Mena, F.C., Natário, J., Tod, P., "Gravitational Collapse to Toroidal and Higher Genus Black Holes", Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting 2007, EAS Publication Series, Eds. A. Oscoz, E. Mediavilla and M. Serra-Ricart, vol 30 (2008), 275-278
  19. Monaco, R., Pandolfi Bianchi, M., Soares, Ana Jacinta Soares, “Modeling the linear stability of planar detonation waves in extended kinetic theory”, XIV International Conference WASCOM 2007, 421-426, 2008.
  20. Vaz, E.G.L.R., Malheiro, T. Machado, G., Pereira, R. M. S., "Web Technologies: an allied of Mathematics", Proceedings of International Technology, Education and Development Conference 2008, Valencia, Spain, March 3 - 5 (6 páginas).
  21. Vilar, C., “La dépression du soleil, au début du crépuscule matinal et à la fin du vespéral, d´après Pedro Nunes, dans son ouvrage "De Crepusculis” ”, Proceedings of the 5th European Summer University, (2008) 703-704.
Relatórios Técnicos do CMAT de 2008
  1. Ralha, R., "Perturbation splitting for more accurate eigenvalues", Relatório Técnico do CMAT 01/08 (pdf)
  2. Mendes-Gonçalves, S., Sullivan, R.P., "The ideal structure of semigroups of linear transformations with upper bounds on their nullity or defect", Relatório Técnico do CMAT 02/08 (pdf)
  3. Costa, J.C., Nogueira, C., "On bases of identities for the omega-variety generated by locally testable semigroups", Relatório Técnico do CMAT 03/08 (pdf)
  4. Almeida, J.,  Costa, J.C., Zeitoun, M., "omega-terms over finite aperiodic semigroups", Relatório Técnico do CMAT 04/08 (pdf)
  5. Kahl, T., Scheerer, H., Tanré, D., Vandembroucq, L., "Simplicial Resolutions and Ganea Fibrations", Relatório Técnico do CMAT 05/08 (pdf)
  6. Billhardt, B., Giraldes, E., Marques-Smith, P., Mendes Martins, P., "Associate inverse subsemigroups of regular semigroups", Relatório Técnico do CMAT 06/08 (abstract)
  7. Ferreira, C., Parlett, B., "Convergence of LR for a one-point spectrum tridiagonal matrix", Relatório Técnico do CMAT 07/08 (pdf)
  8. Patrício, P., Mendes Araújo, C., "Moore-Penrose invertibility in involutory rings; the case aa+=bb+", Relatório Técnico do CMAT 08/08 (abstract)
  9. Espírito Santo, J., Matthes, R., Pinto, L.,"Continuation-Passing Style and Strong Normalisation for Intuitionistic Sequent Calculi", Relatório Técnico do CMAT 09/08 (pdf)
  10. Rodrigues, J.F., Santos, L., "On a constrained reaction-diffusion system related to multiphase problems", Relatório Técnico do CMAT 10/08 (pdf)
  11. Rodrigues, J.F., Santos, L., "A Unilateral Multiphase Problem with Neumann Type Boundary Condition", Relatório Técnico do CMAT 11/08 (pdf)
  12. Rodrigues, J.F., Santos, L., Urbano, J.M., "The nonlinear N-membranes evolution problem", Relatório Técnico do CMAT 12/08 (pdf)
  13. Miranda, F., Rodrigues, J.F., Santos, L., "A class of stationary nonlinear Maxwell systems", Relatório Técnico do CMAT 13/08 (pdf)
  14. García Calcines, J.M., Vandembroucq, L., "Weak sectional category", Relatório Técnico do CMAT 14/08 (pdf)

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